Chapter 25

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"Yvonne!" Kimimela beamed. "Come! Help me!" She beckoned, crossing over Hanska and taking my arm, pulling me free of Akecheta's grasp.

"Oh, yes." I answered her as I felt Nawaji's eyes burn holes into my back.

The light of day was falling away as I crossed over to her.

"Here," she passed me a long spoon. "Help me move the food."

"Alright," I smiled as I grabbed a bowl nearby and started to put food on it.

Nawaji's lips smacked in an unappealing way, but while I ignored them as I held the bowl a loft.

"Nawaji," Kimimela warned. I saw her eyes gesture behind me, clearly to Akecheta.

Nawaji turned to him a bit as he sat down beside Hanska. I could see a wanton voice in her eyes, like she was begging Akecheta to look at her, to give her attention. He did not seem as keen.

Cheta! Hanska smiled widely, welcoming Akecheta to sit beside him.

How have you been, brother? Akecheta responded.

Oh I'm just fine! Hanska leaned over a bit on his knee. I could see his eyes cut to me a bit as I held a plate up for Kimimela. How's your squaw?

She's doing just fine. Akecheta cleared his throat. She works well, from what your sister tells me.

Is she the one who did your hair? Hanska jostled him.

Yes, yes. Akecheta laughed under his breath.

If she's such a great worker, then why not let her handle other tasks. Nawaji snipped. Anyone can hold a bowl or stir food in a pot. Her voice was filled with venom.

Don't be so callous Nawaji. Kimimela spoke up as she beckoned me to take the bowl to Akecheta. At least she is helpful, and kind.

Mela. Hanska called, trying to get Kimimela's attention, to no avail.

I stood and carried the small bowl over to him as Kimimela continued. "Here you go," I called out to Akecheta, he turned.

You could do to be so helpful! Kimimela's voice began almost chiding.

"Thank you," Akecheta spoke slowly, smiling as he took the bowl from me, ignoring the events around us.

How dare you say that? Nawaji gasped at Kimimela. I am bounds better than that white squaw!! She suddenly shouted, standing up.

Hey now! Hanska stood up too, dwarfing Nawaji, who froze right there.

Really now? Kimimela passed a bowl to her brother, then why do react this way? This young lady does a fine job at what ever she puts her mind to. She even sewed a shirt.

Nawaji's mouth gapped open, but she didn't move any closer to Kimimela, though her fists balled up tight.

You can't even sew straight! Kimimela's voice raised a bit.

Nawaji stamped her foot and then sauntered off.

"What was that?" I asked after she out of ear shot.

"You, no worry." Kimimela sighed, as she put some more food into a bowl. "It was argument, between her and me." She gestured in the direction Nawaji went and herself. "She always put herself so high, but she not."

Don't lie to her. Akecheta piped up, you protected her name, so tell her so.

"Nawaji just angry woman." She smiled a bit at me before she turned to Akecheta, I will not tell her. I do not want her to feel unwelcome by the actions of one person.

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