Prescott Boarding School.

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Ashila's P.o.v

'Prescott Boarding School a place for delinquents and troubled youth' the metal sign read. Jimmy drove down the dive way only to stop at a gate. I lean forward in my seat to see the whole thing "Holy dingle berries" Jimmy chuckles then leans out the window and presses a button on the intercom only to make a buzz sound. 

After a few seconds "State your name and purpose" a gruff voice buzzes out of the intercom. Then I realise that this is the moment I get to find out Jimmy's real name. 

"It's me an I git the new kid" Jimmy says whilst looking over at me and smirking. Damn

"Oh hey man, how is he?" All formality gone from both guys. Wait He?! My eyes practically bulge out of my head.

Jimmy just laughs looks back at the intercom and replies with a simple "She"

The line goes dead quiet for a few seconds then he comes back "She?" 

This just makes Jimmy laugh harder "Yes, she" oh he thought I was a dude. 

"Well aren't the kids going to get a lovely surprise. Come on in then". The gates open slowly to reveal and old castle like building with gargoyles and vines covering the grey sandstone. 

I scoff "What is this? Hogwarts?".


Walking though the doors the first thing I see is a huge metal detector. Oh crap. I look at Jimmy and ask "Is that really necessary?" 

He looks down at me quizzically and replies with "Only if your trying to hide something Ms. Summers"

I just smile "Nope". Lie. Lie. Lie

"Okay then you are right to go through then kid" kid. My father always calls me that. 

"Please don't call me that" I walk through. Beep. Beep. Beep. Shit.

"It seems she has some sort of metal on her... her... her left..." The young guards face is practically as red as a strawberry. 

I look at the guard expectedly "My left what?" I'm acting it but I'm not really clueless, I know exactly what he has needs say but seeing him struggle like this is kinda fun. 

"Left breast" he says far to quietly. 

Jimmy looks at him confused "Sorry speak up son" he looks really embarrassed. 

Honestly I don't see why he is all flustered it's just a part of the human body. "Left breast" he says louder. 

Jimmy looks down at me now "Well hand it over" 

Shit. "I can't" Think. Why can't I

"Why not" he asks.

"Because... because I have my nipple pierced" Swerve. I'm brilliant.

"Oh" is his only response. "Well then bag checks now" My bags are then checked to a satisfactory level however when it comes to the front pocket on my suitcase the guard looks at me expectantly I just shrug my shoulders.

"I lost the key when I was younger". Too easy.

Troubled little youth. Old version. Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα