I am not intimidated by you.

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Rylan's P.o.v

I hear two sets of footsteps walk through the hallway, a door open and then the sweet angelic voice of Ashila. Wait. What? What has gotten into me. "Bye Jimmy thanks again" I drown out their conversation and direct my attention to what I'm about to do. I've been thinking about her since she got here and I just can't seem to stop. All of the stunts she's pulled so far have me wanting more, wondering what it'll be next that she does. Even Tyler is kinda curious and he doesn't ever get like that.

I want to go over there, I mean I can I've got the confidence to do it but that's what scares me, what if I get to cocky and piss her off. She kinda scares me but I'll never admit that aloud. I hear retreating footsteps going back down the hall and the door close.


I get up off my bed and walk over to the door opening it but not moving. Dude, get a grip, you're just standing here like a lost goat. What's the worst that could happen I tell myself. I make the two strides and I'm in front of her door. No biggy you're just here to say hi. As I reach up to knock on the door it swings open and the little blonde bumps into my chest with an umph kinda sound. She steps back a little and composes herself nicely. 

"Hey?" She say when I don't say anything. 

"Um hey" I reply shyly scratching the back of my neck. Shyly? What's happening to me? The small blonde pick up on it and raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Aren't you supposed to be the tough one? Not all intimated by me? Hmm?" She questions with a laugh at the end. 

"What? I am not intimidated by you!" I say sternly. 

She laughs at how defendant I am "Sure sweet-pea whatever helps you stay awake on a Monday morning".

Ashila looks up at me expectantly after a few seconds and raises her eyebrow at me again "Um did you want something or..." 

God, why did I come here again. "Uh yeah?" I reply but it comes out as more of a question. "I'm Rylan, your neighbor" 

"Riiiiiight" She drawls out "Your in my classes right?" Well at least she kind of remembers me. Right

"Yeah, that's me" 

She nods her head then scrunched her brows together, thinks for a second then says "Yeah the creepy one that was staring at me" ouch.

"Um no?" I desperately try to hide the fact I'm lying but she catches on. "Well... Uh... yeah. I mean kinda. Sorta. Maybe. Okay I was but I'm the only other 'Class A' kid in this place, then you come along, jumping over tables, into Ty's lap, breaking Mark's nose and scaring Shaun, Tony and Sam off. I mean what do you expect? For me to ignore you. Your crazy. God no! Your a psychopath!" Oops. Should not of said that. I totally should not of said that. By now she's fuming. Steam is practically coming out of her ears.

"Get. Out." she speaks calmly but through gritted teeth. I almost thought for a second or two that I could see though into the hellish fight she was having with herself behind her eyes, looking even more closely it was as if it had happened before. Someone calling her a psychopath. She looked as if she was fighting back tears and for a split second she looked as if she was broken. Maybe she's not as scary as I thought. Maybe she just needs to be loved but not loved as in sexually as in someone simply being there and listening or even just being there.

Troubled little youth. Old version. Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu