The girl with crazy hair.

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Ashila's P.o.v

After Jimmy came and got me from my room he then escorted me to my next class, that being English, however I am now currently sitting here in a room full of annoying, unpredictable, loud students. Since the teacher hasn't shown up and it's at least half way through the period the class decided to start a riot. 

I mean sure I don't like school either but no need to start a riot. I glance around the chaotic room only to spot a purple haired girl sitting in the far back left corner doodling in her school book quietly. I turned in my chair sideways so I'm facing her directly. Studying her I realise that I'm not the only one, skitterish boy is also keeps glancing in her direction however completely failing to be discrete. I then notice the boy is friends with both stunned boys, one of which intently staring at me.

I matched the boys stare however he didn't make notice of it. The boy continued to analyse both my every move and my features. Not even ten seconds later I began to get bored with him so I turned back to the crazy haired girl only to see her continuing her actions as before, that being drawing. 

I stand up and walk over to the seat next to her and sit down still feeling the heated stare from the stunned boy. Not a word is spoken between us however she does acknowledge my presence by swiftly looking up at me before going back to her hunched state. 

For the remainder of the period I sit and watch the girl draw and once in a while she'd look back at me and smile as if reassuring herself I was still there. Once the bell rang she ripped out the page and packed the rest of her belongings up into her bag. She stood up and handed the page to me before running out of the room. I look down at the drawing and notice it's a detailed bird flying however in the feathers of the wing it says 'for being there when no one else was'.


The rest of the day consisted of being escorted to my classes by Jimmy, the teachers thankfully turning up and a uneventful lunch spent in my dorm avoiding human contact eating a salad and chicken sandwich. After my last class Jimmy was escorting me back to my dorm in which I had chosen to spend my afternoon I decided to ask Jimmy why he had to keep walking me everywhere.

"Jimmy why do you have to walk with me every time I have to go somewhere?" Jimmy glances at me from the corner of his eye before chuckling therefore making little creases around his eyes signifying a real laugh. I couldn't help but think of how truly happy he was with his simple life. I want a simple life. A loving father. Friends that are there for me. Even a mother that's not just there for money. No matter how much I want it, it'll never be though. 

Jimmy speaks up effectively bringing me out of my train of thought "Because Ash, you are a very unpredictable human and the people in charge, the headmasters, don't want to be held responsible for any wrong actions you make take. Don't worry though I only do this for a week or until I think you are fit to be by yourself. Then you will be free however if you screw up I'll have to come back. Why? Are you trying to get rid of me?" 

He laughs again but this time at himself. "No, just curious" 

Jimmy stops and turns fully to me "Curiosity killed the cat, kid." 

I also stop and turn back to him "Yes, but satisfaction brought it back."

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