iv. ghost friends

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AFTER HER LITTLE INCIDENT, Amelie Nightly knew that Stiles Stilinski had her on top of his suspects list of, well, everything. She couldn't exactly blame him, she was suspicious of herself as well, because what the hell? How did she manage to get into Isaac's head, how did she see what he saw?

"Would you care to explain?" Isaac broke the silence in her car.

Amelie sighed, staring ahead as she drove. "I want an explanation myself, Isaac."

"You got into my head, you were in there with me. How, Amelie?" The beta asked, sighing frustratedly which angered the girl.

"Oh, so you're mad, now? I'm just as confused as you are, Isaac. And me getting in your head is the least of my concerns right now, actually," She said loudly, as her fingers whitened around the steering wheel.

"Why? Did something else happen?" He turned to look at her.

"You can say that," She scoffed. "When I went into Stiles' room the other night, I touched a frame of him and his parents. And right then and there, I saw his mom. In front of me. A ghost."

"A ghost?"

"It sounds crazy and impossible, I know— stop laughing!" It was the girl's turn to scoff. "But, considering that you can grow fangs and claws, I wouldn't say it's completely impossible."

Isaac chuckled in agreement.

"Worst of it all? She wanted me to promise her that I'll protect Stiles. That something horrible is going to happen to him, and I have to be there to protect him. How on earth am I supposed to do that?"

"Protect him from what, exactly?" He asked.

"She wouldn't tell me. A ghost is not allowed to," She replied, sarcasm laced her tone.

"Did you tell Stiles?"

That question stopped her train of thoughts.

"Should I?" She glanced at Isaac, who stared ahead. "She told me something else. That my family has had access to the dead for years, and I don't even know how powerful I am."

"Why don't you ask your mom about it?" He chuckled, knowing of the complications with that. Amelie's mom was anything but a mom to her. She was there, paid the bills, gave her money, but she was never there emotionally, not since her dad passed away.

"Yeah, right. Hey mom, did dad ever tell you about his ghost friends or was he just insane?" She mocked a high-pitched voice, which caused Isaac to burst out laughing and she followed him.

Invisible String. Stiles Stilinski (1)Where stories live. Discover now