lxii. bring you the stars

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AMELIE DID NOT LIKE TO THINK SHE WAS THE AGGRESSIVE TYPE— but seeing Theo Raeken in Scott's kitchen, smirking at her like she owed him something, made her skin crawl, and frankly, she didn't care a single bit if she were being aggressive or not. On a whim, she tackled the boy onto the hard ground and straddled him, her fist repeatedly colliding with his face until blood oozed out of his nose and the corner of his mouth.

Thank you, Chris, for the well-needed defense lesson. They really did come in handy.

She was pouring every emotion into every punch. Every drop of anger and sadness and grief. He was the reason she'd been thrown into Eichen by the hands of her mother. He was the reason her sister was dead. She couldn't bare looking at his face and think he could get away with that.

She knew that somewhere, wherever he was, Stiles was cheering her on.

Just as Amelie was about to throw in another punch, Theo mumbled, "It's okay. You don't have to stop."

"Trust me— I won't," She smirked as her eyes flickered deep purple and gold veins began to run down her arms.

"Amelie, enough!" She was grabbed by her arms and cornered into a wall. Scott looked at her in disbelief, "Slow down, okay? He's going back into the ground."

"You can't," Liam stopped them and Amelie looked at him as if to say 'You and I are going to have a talk' but he ignored it, "He remembers Stiles."

"Scott remembers Stiles. Malia and Lydia remember Stiles," Amelie snarled, "I remember Stiles."

Liam turned to Scott, seeing as Amelie wasn't going to hear reason, "The Dread Doctors knew all about the Wild Hunt. He can help us."

"Or, he could kill us!" Scott said exasperatedly, looking at Liam like he'd grown two heads.

"He's my responsibility," Liam argued quietly, "Noshiko gave me the sword."

"Liam, now is not the time for silly little crushes, okay?" Amelie said through gritted teeth.

"It's so awkward when Mom and Dad fight," Theo sighed from where he sat on the ground.

"Shut up!"

"I will shove that knife on the counter right up your—"

"You both are right," Hayden interrupted, "If Theo tries anything, we'll send him back to the Skinwalkers. But, for right now..."

Scott took in the words for a second before shaking his head. "He goes back now."

"Except Liam's the one with the sword..."

Invisible String. Stiles Stilinski (1)Where stories live. Discover now