xxxiii. soulmates

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     SOMETIMES, AMELIE WISHED TIME WOULD SLOW DOWN. The irretrievable feeling of time slipping through your fingers, like sand as it slid between the crevices of your fingertips, it stabbed into her heart like a poisoned dagger.

     It felt like a movie, having to watch her mom on a gurney as they took her into the operating room to stitch her up from the gash the Berserkers had inflicted on her. It wasn't anything severe, which was a relief, but still— the nerve-wracking sensation of this weight being pent up on your shoulders, like this suspenseful moment in a horror movie right before the jump scare was awaiting her, about to blow up in her face.

     Flashes of Karly's own surgery a few years ago flashed in her mind. She had gotten severely burned from one of their stupid games, and had to get a skin graft transplanted on her hip. All the emotions overcoming her right now made her feel bad for her parents all those years ago, when they were sat in a chair just like hers, and had to watch the clock tick by. Now, she felt the same.

     She sat in the waiting room with her head in her hands. Karly slept next to her, leaning her head on the wall as drool silently fell from her mouth. They had been here all night, waiting for any news from the doctors, especially Melissa who had been so kind by offering blankets and constantly bringing them food and water.

     Standing up to move her numb feet, she grabbed the blanket on her shoulders and draped it over her little sister who shuffled quietly at the contact and brought the blanket slowly to her chin.

     It was now morning, the sun was slowly starting to rise. Funny how the day before she was thinking about how much she loved the sun and how it's warming rays filled her with a serene feeling— now it only taunted her with how long her mother had been in the operating room.

     Just as she was about to walk up to the door and twist the door knob, it twisted on its own and she was welcomed by the surgeon, who gave her a comforting smile. "She's out," He said quietly, "The surgery went very smoothly, and she just woke up now."

     At the sound of those words, Amelie could've sworn she sobbed, but it felt like a dream because all the worry and all the thinking and all the weight suddenly lifted off her like a cloud. "Thank you," She sniffled and he smiled again.

     "Do you want to see her?"


     "Hey, hon," Sydney Nightly's tired voice croaked as Amelie walked in to the room. Karly was still asleep in the waiting room and the girl just couldn't bring herself to wake her up.

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