Chapter 3: Takeda x Depressed Izzy

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*self harm*

Takeda's POV

Izzy has been acting weird since he and his ex-boyfriend broke up two weeks ago. I was in the same position as he was, I wanted nothing to do with anyone, when me and Jacque broke up.  I walked to his room and knocked "hey Izz can we talk, its me Takeda" and the do opens and he pulls me in. I'm the only one that knows about his depression and self harming issues. "I-i like y-you more then a friend" he says kinda embarassed. I put my hand out and he puts his wrist on my hand, "Izz you can talk to me about this" I say putting my other hand over his hand. He starts to cry and I pull him in to a hug, then I fell him move his hands to my lower back. I reached for the door and locked it, it felt wrong he was like a brother to me but I knew he had a crush on me for a while. "Takeda, can you stay the night with me" he spoke up "sure anything for you Izz"

*Later that night*

He fell asleep shortly into the second movie we were watching and I snuck out to get us food and came back forty five minutes later to him awake and panicked. "Hey, hey Izz look at me it's ok I'm right here, I just went to get food ok" "I thought you left me a-and never *hic* never coming back" he said and I kissed him and he kissed back. "Next time I'll leave a note" I say breaking the kiss, and he nodded. "I wanna try something like sex some time" "sure but somewhere more private than here" I say back to him and he nods.

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