The First ternament: Kung Lou x Evil Male Izzy x Lou Kang Pt 2

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*heavy smut and swearing
    In last part  
"Now fuck Lao and give him a good time" Lou says pulling out of the socourours ass and Izzy replies "yes my master."
In this part*

As Lau and Izzy started, Izzy snapped out of it and continued to fuck his friend. "Well it seems your back to yourself" Lau spoke up.

"I think I'm in love with you, and that's what got me back in control" Izzy says as he cums and Lao cums to.

"I'll be your boyfriend, if you turn to our side" Lau says and Izzy agrees pulling out of his now boyfriends ass.

"Raiden is coming, I cannot be seen here here or he will kill me" Izzy says and Raiden teleported in after Izzy teleports away. "Kung Lao, Madem Bo is looking for you" he stats and Kung Lau walks up to him.

"I'm on my way there now, care to join me Raiden" Lao says and Raiden agrees.

                      *At the Tea house*

"My boys the usual" she says seeing the boys and they nod. "I would like the two of you to find my grandson, he went to outworld undercover to find his uncle, and hasn't returned" Bo spoke up and Raiden speaks up. "I thought you didn't have any grandchildren, but we can for you Madem Bo".
        *Few hours before Raiden and Kung      Lao enter the tea house*

Izzy went to outworld to find his Uncle but was ambushed by Shoa Kuan. As he starts to pull down his pants to fuck him.

He stops and goes somewhere more private. As he continues Izzy speaks up, "wait please, Lou Kang is willing to give you his powers and give up earthrealm" "why should I believe you" Shoa Kuan says and fuck him anyway.

As Izzy starts blacks out as he was a moaning mess and was about to cum. As he did thats when he blacked out and wakes up in a cell with is uncle.

*Back to Raiden and Lau*

"Ok he has long black hair and Tall you can't miss him" she says and the two nod and start to head out when Izzy comes in ingured with Bo-Rai-Cho ingured as well.

"Hi Nona, hi guys" Izzy states when he see Raiden and Lau."Wait Izzy Tsung is your grandson" Raiden says and Bo nods and says "Raiden help Master Rai-Cho to the informory, and Lao help me with him" the boys nod.

"Nona, I woke up in a cell, beside uncle. I don't remember much but I think my memory is coming back to me, a-and -" and he and I are dating" Lao speaks the rest and continues "there was a curse placed on him that I think I may have broke."

"Okay, you got two hours to go at it and come back, if this curse is still on you Izzy than we probably can't fix it." Master Bo says and Lao nods taking Izzy away to his home.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Izzy look at me and tell me what happened in outworld" Kung Lao says putting Izzy in a trance, as he was putting his hands up Izzy's shirt.

"Shao Kuan, he forced himself on me and then, I woke up in a cell with my uncle. He-he is willing to do it again to me ahhhh~" when Izzy said that, he had cum is Laos hand.

"Much too easy, I haven't push in yet" Lao states as he gets ready to push him self into his boyfriends ass. They where now going at it and fast to, "Lao harder, faster please"

The curse was finally broken and Lao and Izzy accently fell asleep. They woke up an hour later and found Madem Bo out side the tea house waiting impatiently.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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