Chapter 4: hurting me

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Sam woke up and suddenly flinched in pain and saw the cut on his side, he then got up and went to the kitchen holding his side where he saw Dean sitting on the front chair of the dinning table facing Sam "so were you ever going to tell me about the cut on your side" Sam looked at him then said "I just found out about it,I think the guy that attacked me did it" Dean looked angry and yelled "what" as he shot up from the chair causing it to fall to the floor, Dean quickly made his way towards Sam and lifted up his shirt to see the wound again and said with a growl "that son of a bitch did this to you, huh I should have killed him when I had the chance." Sam looked at him confused "what do you mean when you had the chance." Dean looked away from Sam and confessed that he found the guy that hurt Sam and saw that he was a demon as well, when dean finished Sam looked at him in shock "wow" was all Sam could say, suddenly Sam felt dizzy and collapsed, with a THUG sound Dean looked and saw Sam on the floor and was quickly kneeling beside Sam's body and kept shouting "sam" "sammy" "SAMMY" and tried to wake him up but Sam wasn't moving.

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