Chapter 6: the anger

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Ben and Cas were reading the symbols in the book of the damed and Sam and Dean were trying to translate the symbols when suddenly Dean snapped and said "GOD DAMNIT, WHY THE FUCK IS THIS TAKING SO LONG" Sam got up from the chair he was sitting in "Dean please just calm down okey I know it's frustrating but-" Sam said but was cut off when Dean punched him and stormed out of the men of letters bunker library in anger, cas went to help stop Sam's nose bleed "Dean wait" Ben said as he ran up to Dean "look I know it's frustrating but since your a demon It's hard to control your anger even if you have your humanity, but you need to try and calm down." as dean nodded Sam and cas ran towards Ben and Dean looking exited "Dean we found the cure." Sam said and cas nodded in agree meant about it, later Dean, Sam, Cas and Ben where in a warehouse and found out that they needed a demons and angels blood, and then Sam suddenly saw that the make of Cain started to glow and said "Dean the marks glowing" and slowly turned his head and looked at Sam and Sam saw that's dean's eyes were emotionless and Dean said "you always think you know everything don't you Sam, always think your better then me." and then punched Sam then kicked him in the ribs once, twice then a third time as dean got to his knees he started punching Sam as blood came of of Sam's nose he looked at Ben and Cas and said "Ben Cas hurry start the spell. NOW!" As Cas and Ben cut their wrists so it poured in the bowl and started says the spell Dean was still beating Sam none stop and at that point Sam was unconscious as Ben and Cas finished the spell something that looked like lighting hit deans four arm and suddenly the mark of Cain disappeared and as soon as that was over Dean realized what he had done to Sam as dean Carried Sam out of the warehouse with Ben and Cas following behind they all was dark crowds heading towards them as they ran to the impala the engine wouldn't start and the darkness was closer, closer and closer until all they saw was black.

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