8- im so sorry

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After we all eat and listen to Alina and Mateo ramble about the most random ass topics I clean the dishes

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After we all eat and listen to Alina and Mateo ramble about the most random ass topics I clean the dishes. Lucas and Mateo decide to stay to watch movies, I can handle Mateo for an hour but having him all day makes me want to lay down on the street and get ran over.

Not exaggerating.

Him and Alina are practically bestfriends now, am I jealous? maybe.

We're in the living room watching some fucking kids movies, Alina choose them so I didn't object. Her and Mateo are laughing at the— talking snowman? I don't even know what it is, I haven't been paying attention to the movie.

I just watch the pretty girl besides me and she turns her head at me everytime she finds something funny to ask me if I got it, I just nod and act like I know what the joke was.

I obviously don't know but she doesn't need to know that for now.

The guys soon after leave and Mateo exchanged numbers with Alina, ignoring the daggers I was throwing as I glared at him. He just giggled and stuck his tongue out at me. He's a man child I swear.

I clean up the kitchen and living room where we all were and Alina helps me after I told her she didn't need to and that led to an argument so she just started helping me leaving me mumbling under my breath.

After we make the house decent looking again, we start adding songs to our playlist and play it on my room speakers and just hangout, for the first time silence doesn't feel uncomfortable with someone. Being with another person in silence, without doing anything ,just being there and not feeling alone it's something that I haven't experienced, until now. And it's nice..really nice.

Alina hasn't told me what happened with her brother, but she looks better now than last night. I hope she will feel comfortable enough with me to tell me what happened someday.

I grab a joint and go towards my window and start smoking, Alina is laying on her stomach reading some book she found on my book desk. I should have warned her about the kind of books I have there.

Ok maybe I didn't tell her because I wanted to see her reaction, her being flustered with red cheeks and squeezing her thighs together would be a lovely sight to see.

Her songs are playing in my room, she hums the lyrics and nods her head to the beat. I noticed that most of her music taste is softer songs. I like them I think it fits her.

I walk towards her with joint in hand. She's so focused on the words on the pages that she doesn't notice me standing in front of her. 'Angel?' I call out softly not trying to startle her.

She hums in acknowledgment without looking at me, I laugh softly at her action and slowly sit besides her. I touch her hair as she reads, she leans in my touch and sighs in content.

I inhale and exhale the smoke at the other side of the room so that I won't bother the pretty girl besides me.

Suddenly her blue eyes widen and her cheeks turn red, she squirms a little before closing the book and sitting up criss crossed. I watched her in amusement knowing what kind of scene she came across on.

' Everything okay pretty girl?' I asked teasingly and she just nodded slowly 'Oh um yeah i'm okay'
she rushed out and looked everywhere but my eyes.

'did you not like the book?' I tilted my head looking at her intensely as I keep smoking.

'You didn't tell me they had those types of scenes..' she mutters as she trails off

I smirk and shrug 'thought you would like them, i'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable'

'Nono it's okay, it just surprised me' She lifts her head still with red cheeks and eyes the joint. I move closer to her and blow the smoke into her mouth again. She gasps and blinks as she exhales.

'Was it the couch scene? or was it the one in the shower amor?' I say, my voice coming out deeper than usual.

She messed with her hands 'when they were in the couch' she says in a smaller voice.

'hm I liked that scene, it was good don't you think? the way he made her feel' I replied and brushed her hair out of her face. She nodded shyly making me smirk. My other hand brushed against her thigh making her gulp.

Our faces are now closed together, the music and joint long forgotten as my focus is only on my beautiful girl and the way her plump lips part. Her doe eyes meet my own, I lower my head and my lips meet hers. Sparks rush through my body making me groan. She slowly kisses me back and my hands find her waist picking her up, making her straddle me.

Her lips fit perfectly against mine, her small hands are against my chest, the room falls away and everything doesn't matter anymore, I hold her so close to me not wanting this moment to end. Her hands are now on my hair making a breathy groan escape my mouth.

She stops kissing me and pushes me back leaving space between us. Her eyes wide leaving me confused. Did I do something wrong?

'Whats wrong?' my breath comes out heavy and my chest heaves up and down. She quickly gets off my lap making me even more worried.

'you kissed me' she states in shock, her hand on top of her heart as she tries to control her breathing

'I did i'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable I was just in the moment and—'

she cuts me off 'Leo is okay, I think I should go. I will see you later'

fuck fuck what did I do

'No let me drop you off please? I don't want you walking alone, let me do that for you please' I plead my thoughts running like crazy in my head.

She nods and grabs her things, we walk down the stairs quietly, none of us saying anything.

I messed up didn't I?

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