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My foot taps against the timber floor of Dove's, releasing energy my body doesn't need.

They've got two types of almond milk today.

I exhale slowly from my position near the counter, my gaze fixed at the young barista who has yet to start making my coffee.

I've arrived to work an hour early as per usual for the last week, and given the extra time, I'm here at Dove's, waiting for my almond latte.

But today, there's another brand of almond milk perched next to the coffee machine, its nutrition panel glaring at me only a few feet away.

It's got more calories in it.

Maybe they're trialling a new brand or they simply didn't have enough stock of their regular almond milk, but I need to know which one they use in my coffee or my calorie calculation won't be accurate.

My foot taps faster and I glare harder at the barista, my nose scrunching in determination.

When someone speaks from behind me, I'm not sure if the interruption is a blessing or a curse.

"Rory, right?" a masculine voice asks, and I have no logical clue who it could be, so I turn to face the mystery man in order to decipher who he is. Only he's not a mystery man when my eyes meet bright green, he is Levi.

"Yeah, hi Levi," I answer, skipping the part where I pretend I don't know if I've remembered his name correctly. "How are you?" I add, opting for pleasantries.

The smile I receive is enough of an award, and for the first time, I notice dimples in each of his cheeks.

"I'm good. I'm surprised I've found you here though. If your office is anywhere near the soccer field, Dove's is a bit out of your way," he states.

His observation is true but what stands out to me is his use of the familiar term Dove's. He obviously frequents the cafe, or has at least been here before, and yet I've never noticed him.

"It is," I agree. "But I really like this cafe and I do have to go to the opposite campus sometimes, so it's not too much of a pain," I offer in explanation and this seems enough for Levi. "Do you live off campus? I don't think I've seen you at the cafe before."

Levi tilts his head in a way I've seen before, dimples reappearing. How did I not notice those dimples before?

"No, I live in a dorm pretty close to the campus actually. You must not have noticed me before," he replies smoothly, leaning against the ledge of the counter. I nod absentmindedly, realising that he's probably waiting for a coffee like me.

"No training today?" I ask him, wondering why he's up so early.

Levi straightens as he answers, the counter obviously uncomfortable. At the movement, his scent reaches me, the smell of some nice product a large improvement to his previous scent of perspiration.

"Nope, I've just got class at 8 across the road, so here I am."

This piques my interest.

"What are you studying?" The eager intrigue in my words should embarrass me but the flow of conversation is too comfortable for me to feel self-conscious.

The dimples appear again.

"Medicine, second year. I've finished up pre-med and now I'm doing another four-year degree," Levi explains.

My eyebrows raise at the information, prompting my next question.

"So I'm speaking to a future doctor then?" 

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