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I haven't seen or spoken to Levi in six days.

The feeling is odd after having grown accustomed to his regular presence.

But I haven't run into him at work or Dove's and after the Buchanan Charity Ball, there is no reason for me to be at the hall near his training.

I've just been going to and from work.

That's it.

When I realise that no, I wasn't this boring before meeting Levi, I quickly schedule to meet Nora at Dove's in the morning.

Levi's sudden absence in my life should not be an excuse to not see my friend or do things for myself.

He may think I have a problem, but I'm perfectly functional.

I'm fine - and 100% sure of it.

Or maybe I'm on the fence.

I open the door to the cafe, entering the small, timber building. The smell of coffee beans greets me just before I spot Nora, her red hair standing out in our typical booth. She doesn't look up as I approach her because her green eyes are busy staring at the table with an unusual intensity.

Something is wrong.

I sit down opposite her slowly, placing my purse on the table. She looks up, realising that I'm there, but something is different. She's not sad or angry, she just looks different.

"Oh, hey Ror," she greets, her smile reassuring. Something is still off but I can at least tell that she's okay.

Her smile is wide enough, her eyes are bright enough and her voice is light enough.

But she also seems distracted, not noticing when I walked up to her and tapping her finger absentmindedly against her leg. She's never been fidgety, so it's like her mind is elsewhere.

"Hey," I begin. "What's up?" I ask and I think she can tell that I'm asking a deeper question, that I'm asking what's wrong? Hey eyes stare into mine as hard as mine are staring into her, conveying years of friendship and a closeness that few friends share.

Her eyes stay trained on mine when she answers.

"Jai and I broke up."

I don't respond at first.

I didn't know the 16-year-old Nora who was Jai's high-school-sweetheart. When I met her, she had already been with Jai for an eternity, so I could never imagine them breaking up.

A relationship that long just doesn't end.

As a result, I've never rehearsed for this scenario.

"What?" I manage to sputter out.

Nora's eyes soften, almost sympathising with me. It's then that I notice how fine she appears. She may seem different, a tiny bit off, but she isn't upset or emotional in any way. The sight confuses me, because she's just lost an 8-year relationship and she's seemingly okay.

"Are you okay?" is the first thing I officially say, because I simply can't imagine that she is, no matter how she appears.

She purses her lips, gaze raising to the ceiling.

"Honestly? Yeah. I've had a lot of time to think about this," she says, her voice sincere.

I hesitate, wondering what she means.

"What happened?" I finally ask.

Nora's eyes drop down to meet mine, her hands coming up to clasp together on the table.

"I had a pregnancy scare."

And the hits keep coming.

"What?" falls from my lips again, my brain unable to fully process her words. "When?" I ask.

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