The Time Twizzler! -Chapter 1

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Just a few things to start us off. This story is based in Young Justice season 1, probably sometime after the end of the first season. And the rest is based loosely in the Batfamily category. This story is going to be mostly humorous and a lot of chaos, but is there any other way to write a story really?

^Above is Time Twizzler's design! ^

Bat Family Ages:

Jason Todd (Red Hood): 20

Tim Drake (Red Robin): 16

Damian Wayne (Robin): 12

Dick Grayson (Robin) (YJ): 14




Jason was starting to get a headache, not only did he have to babysit his brothers right now, but he had to fight some bozo wearing bright orange and blue spandex. The lean man had numbers and swirls all the way up his sleeves, with one big blue swirl on his chest, he also had some sort of backpack on that looked like something from the Ghostbusters. Jason rolled his eyes under his helmet as the man-made another horrible pun, at this point Jason was tuning him out. His voice was just getting annoying.

This guy was probably a meta, or at least he had some kind of experimental tech with the way he was jumping and flickering around the roof dodging his and his brother's attacks. Jason had seen him trying to break into a museum earlier that night. It wasn't normally something the Red Hood would want to deal with, but he was bored tonight. Sue him.

But soon after Tim and Damian showed up to 'help' him and now he was stuck with babysitting duty. Man, where was Dick when you needed him? Normally this was his job. "Would you stop jumping around and let me punch your annoying face already!" Jason growled, as he swung his arm forward and the man just flickered out of reach once again.

"You can't hit time itself!" The man called out as he ducked underneath Tim's bo staff. "For I am the Time Twizzler! Master of yesterday, tomorrow, and last Tuesday!" He took a superhero pose and placed his hands on his hips triumphantly.

Tim raised an eyebrow under his mask. "Is he being serious?"

Robin took that time to run up and punch the Time Twizzler in the face. The 12-year-old then jumped down and tried to sweep his legs out from under him. Only for the man to press a button on his glove to make him disappear at the last second. He was now on the other side of the roof closer to Tim. "For I am the time Twizzler!" He repeated in the same tone he did before.

"It appears so," Robin grumbled.

Red Robin crouched down again. Holding his staff at the ready. "How do we fight someone who can manipulate time?"

Robin reached into his belt and grabbed two Birdarangs and tried to throw them at the man only for him to flicker over to the side again. "You can not defeat time itself! I am inevitable! I can predict your every attack. Move anywhere in time. Change time! Change -AHHH!"

Jason smirked under his mask. "I think you need to work on your time management." He lowered his gun that he had just used to shoot the man's foot.

"Hood!" Tim yelled.

Jason rolled his eyes, "I was getting annoyed with his monologue."

"I guess he can be hit." Robin hmmd.

The Time Twizzler looked up at Jason through his goggles. "You- You shot me!"

"Obviously." Jason scoffed.

The man raised his fist at Jason. "You will pay for that!"

You couldn't see Jason's expression under his Hood but it was one of the most disbelieving and unamused looks he could muster. But his expression quickly changed to surprise when Time Twizzler flickered out of existence again only to appear behind him and stick some sort of rounded device on his shoulder blade.

After a second It felt as though it clamped onto his shoulder with teeth embedding it in the muscle. Jason's body was covered in a strange sensation of tingling all over. "What the hell!"

The man laughed. "You shouldn't have crossed the Time Twizzler! Until last time bird boy!" The man then turned around and proceeded to Naruto run across the roof and towards the fire escape, only to flicker out of view again. Robin was about to take off after him when a stronger shock was sent through Jason and his legs gave out a pained yell escaped him as he fell to the ground.

Tim was over to him in a flash and it looked like Robin was deciding whether or not to follow the Twizzler or stay with Jason and Tim. "Robin! Get over here, we will catch him later." Red Robin called out.

"Get this damn thing off me replacement!" Jason growled. He didn't like the feeling it was giving him it was prickling under his skin and making the pit stir uneasily. Something was wrong.

Red Robin was now next to him and turned Jason's back towards him to get a better look at the tech. "I'm working on it! Don't get your hood in a twist."

Jason growled something was very very wrong. "Now!"

Robin was next to him now with a katana in hand. "I can cut it off of you. But I don't think that would be very enjoyable."

Tim huffed. "Just, give me a second, okay!" He then managed to pry the front panel open to reveal a small glass container of orange liquid and a count-down timer. 2, 1- "Oh no."

Suddenly all three of them were surrounded by a bubble of blinding orange light. And when the light disappeared, the roof was left empty.



Here we go! lol, I know this chapter is short but it will be worth it. I am planning on going for a bunch of smaller chapters instead of a big one every two weeks. But we will see how it turns out.

Just a heads up, your girl has not actually finished Young Justice... I know! It's one of my favorite shows and I know so much about it, but I have only seen the first season. But I know that Jason and Tim show up in it later down the road, and I am sure there would be more other things they would know. But I'm going to base this off of season 1 young justice and mostly my Batfamily knowledge and comics. This story will be really fun trust me, I just hope I don't mess anything up to bad when writing it.

Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought of this chapter so far! And also tell me if there is anything you want to see in the future. Thank you so much!

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