Where Are We? -Chapter 3

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Jason and Tim walked down the hallway hesitantly, scanning their surroundings as they followed the path of the fluorescent lights above their head. If they were going to find anything it would be at the end of this corridor, and Tim just hoped a maze wasn't waiting for them.

Thoughts were running through Tim's mind as he tried to figure out what this place was, It could also be the Time Twizzler's hideout. He could have transported them back here to get them out of the way, while he escaped and would come back later for them. But that wouldn't explain why Tim and Jason felt this place was familiar, somehow.

This could also be an alternate universe version of the Batcave, one where Batman was less gloomy and decided to install fluorescent lights. And that surprisingly was a much more likely option so far. It could also explain the recognition. But Tim really didn't want to deal with an alternate Batman today, especially not with Jason with him. Hood and Bruce got into a big fight again last week and Tim did not want to be stuck in the middle of the ex crimelord who loves sarcasm and guns, and the dark emo vengeance man who hates guns.

Tim's eyes drifted over to his little brother, Damian was still unconscious after they were 'teleported?' to the cave. Tim wanted to get him checked out as soon as possible to make sure there was no permanent damage, and being tossed around like a sack of potatoes by Jason wasn't really helping. Tim sighed. "We need to be careful, we don't know who might be here."

It sounded like Jason scoffed underneath his helmet, but the voice modulator made it sound kind of off. "I know, bird brain. What, did you think I was just going to run in there guns blazing?" He reached up and tapped the side of his helmet with his unoccupied hand. "I can't tell if there is anyone here either. Normally I would have a thermal vision scanner, but whatever that time twizzle face did to us messed it all up."

Tim tilted his head. "I can try and reprogram it. I'm sure I could get at least some of the necessities back online. I can't get the comms to work but I'm sure I can restore some of your systems."

"I'm not letting you mess with my helmet, kid." He grumbled. "Not after the last time. I can figure it out myself."

Tim pouted. "Oh come on, Hood." He said in a whiny tone. He could tell that Jason was rolling his eyes under his helmet. "It was just the one time."

Jason pointed his finger at Tim. "You messing with my voice modulator while I was on patrol to make it sound high pitched like some 'My Little Pony' crap screwed up my intimidation in Crime Alley for weeks!"

Tim chuckled in memory. "Technically it was Nightwing's idea." It's true it was, and it was hilarious, and Tim had been happy to go along. "And I won't mess with it again. At least not while we're here." He smirked, showing hood that he was definitely going to get him again later.

Jason sighed and ran his free hand down the side of his helmet again. "Fine. But only after we figure out where the hell we are." Tim nodded and skipped forward to catch up the few steps he had fallen behind Jason. They were nearly at the end of the corridor.

Tim's eyes were drawn to Damian once again. It looked like Jason was having no trouble at all carrying the small boy. Sure, he wasn't that heavy but sometimes Tim forgets how strong Jason is. He could easily pin Tim to a wall and threaten him at any moment he felt like. And technically he had done it before. But Jason is better now. Well, mostly. He doesn't want to kill Tim anymore, that's the point.

They stepped out into a larger cave. It seemed to be the inside of a mountain from the height the ceiling reached. On the floor just ahead of them was a training disk, just like the one in the cave and the Watchtower. And... just like the one at Mount Justice.

Both Jason and Tim glanced around, probably coming to the same conclusion. "We're at Mount Justice aren't we." Tim said, phrasing it like a statement less than a question.

"Looks like." Jason put his free hand on his hip. "I didn't think I would see this place again for a while."

Both vigilantes stepped further into the room towards the control panel computer. Tim spoke up. "It seems different than when I was here. It looks like they changed the system. I should still be able to hack it, though." Tim vaulted over the railing attached to the steps leading up to the monitor.

Jason rolled his eyes and walked up the four steps that Tim had just avoided. "You're as bad as Nightwing." Tim merely glanced at his older brother and smirked. It only took Tim a few seconds to hack into the terminal further. Something was off here and Tim was going to find out what.

Jason turned around and placed Damian on the floor, a little bit more gently than Tim expected from Jason but still. Now the demon brat was leaning up against the wall next to them, head resting on his shoulder. Tim could hear the boy groan slightly. "He's stirring," Jason said, stepping back. "I think he'll be fine." He leaned against the railing and crossed his arms over his chest, covering his red bat symbol. Or, Tim guessed that it was supposed to be a bat. It looked more like a 'V' now than anything.

"That's good," Tim murmured as he kept going through files. Then he paused. "Hmm, weird."

Hood tilted his head at Tim. "What is?"

"All of my systems, my firewalls, my designs, they're all gone." He bit his lip.


Tim didn't take his eyes off the monitor. "It's as if I was never here." He paused again. "...Or haven't been here yet."

"Wait, so you're saying prancy time man actually did send us back in time?" Hood asked with an annoyed tone in his voice. "Great."

"I just need to find out when, let me go through a few more things." He reached down to type some more before he heard the leather on Jason's jacket tighten.

"Red..." Jason spoke up and it sounded serious. "There's someone h—."

Suddenly a black-birdarang whistled as it flew past his lower arm and landed in the keyboard, missing his hand by an inch. Tim froze.



Beta read by gamma_radio (ao3)

lol here we go, it's going down. XD

Also once again a reminder that I haven't seen anything past season 1 of Young Justice. I do know that Jason and probably Tim make an appearance on the team, at least for a little while. And they definitely would have gone to Mount Justice a few times. So they would know what it looks like. Tim also designed lots of the systems for the computers.

Okay, so Tim and Jason have a little of an apprehensive relationship at the moment. Jason still cares about his brothers a lot and regrets hurting/trying to kill Tim when they first met. But Jason would do anything to keep them safe, even if he doesn't like to show it all the time. Sooooo, Jason's gonna be a little bit more bitchy, at least near the beginning. He's had a long week okay! And now he is sent back in time with some kids he has to babysit.

Thanks for reading and please tell me what you thought of this chapter! I would love to hear what you guys would like to see next, and if you have any questions please ask! :D

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