Put The Gun Down -Chapter 4

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Oh my gosh, I accidentally published this on the 'Joint custody' story!  I'm so sorry.  It is fixed now. <3


Jason leaned back on the banister as Tim continued looking through the files on the computer. Now they know that they are at Mount Justice, which can help them in the long run. But it hasn't been in use for a long while. At least back when the Justice League used it as their base of operations before the location was leaked. It hasn't been used much since then.

So it seems that they have either been sent back in time, or to a different dimension. Maybe even both, which is just great! Cause all Jason needed this week was some dimensional travel to be thrown into the mix.

Suddenly he heard a sound from behind him. footsteps. Really light footsteps, someone trying not to be noticed. Jason tensed but didn't move, not wanting to set off the person spying on them to attack. "Red..." He called out. "Somethings not r-." Before he finished he was cut off as a sharp projectile shot past him and landed next to Tim's hand embedded in the keyboard.

Hostile then. He quickly spun around pulling his gun from his holster and aiming it in the direction of their aggressor. His eyes widened at who he saw standing there. He looked like a kid, probably about thirteen maybe fourteen, and he was also wearing the Robin colors.

Jason instantly recognized the face under that domino. It was Dick! Or at least a young version of Dick, younger than the acrobat was when he and Jason first met. Time travel for sure then.

Jason lowered his gun slightly in shock. Out the corner of his eye, he saw Tim standing in a defense position now holding his bow staff. "Hood... Is that who I think it is?" Red Robin asked in disbelief.

"It appears so," Hood said as he raised his gun a little higher again. Even if this is his brother, he is still hostile. He wouldn't kill him but he could fire a warning shot if he needed to. Not like it would be the first time the kid was shot.

The young Robin had his eyes narrowed, and three other birdarangs in between his fingers ready to throw. His eyes were darting around assessing the situation, just like Batman had taught them. "Step away from the terminal."

Tim stayed defensive but slowly walked towards Damian, trying to hide the unconscious boy from view. Hood spoke up, still aiming the gun at his big -little- brother. "Okay, how's about we be civil about this okay? I have the gun you have the pointy bird. Who is going to win this?"

Robin just narrowed his eyes. "I've faced guns before."

"Doubt you've faced me." Jason's voice was a little lower.

The kid narrowed his eyes and tapped his ear once. Probably a com or emergency beacon. "How did you get in here." He demanded. He tried his best to pitch his voice down like he was trying to do an imitation of Batman. It was cute.

"I don't think you would believe us if we told you," Tim spoke up from behind Jason.

Dick didn't move from his defensive position. "I'm an open-minded vigilante."

Jason smirked under his helmet. "Alright fine. A boy dressed in bright blue and yellow went around ranting in an annoying voice so I shot him and he shot me back, so now he and I are here." Jason used his other hand to jab a finger in Tim's direction.

Dick's expression changed to something more of confusion. Tim sighed. "That was a terrible description of what happened Hood."

"It's what happened, isn't it? I was close enough." Jason shrugged and he heard a groan of annoyance from behind him.

Suddenly there was a swoosh as a yellow-colored blur sped into the room pulling into a skid right next to robin. His whole attention was on dick at the moment. "What's the problem, Rob? you called us and I came as fast as I could. But that wasn't very hard seeing as I was in the kitchen. The others should probably be here soon." It flew out of the boy's mouth in a spew of words.

"KF." Dick warned not taking his eyes off Jason's weapon. This caused Wally to turn his head to look at the two visible intruders. His eyes widened comically as he looked at the two of them and then his eyes locked on Jason's gun.

He stood frozen for a second. Like he was debating moving or not. Techeacly the gun was still trained on Dick. That might put the speedster off. But he should still be able to move Dick out of the way before anything happened. That is unless he is not as fast in this universe or something.

Normally if there were a gun Wally would have already removed it from all perpetrator's hands and tied them up instantly before the situation got out of hand. But that was a twenty-six-year-old Wally. Not the one standing before them.

"What are you doing in here?" The speedster demanded.

Jason rolled his eyes under his helmet. "As I was telling bird boy over here-"

"-We don't want any trouble." Tim cut him off. "There is a big misunderstanding here and we don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Did you really have to cut me off replacement?"

"Yes." Tim seemed annoyed.

Dick stepped a bit further forward. "How about we put the gun down and we can talk about this."

"Like hell, I'm putting my gun down," Jason growled. Dick didn't need to tell him what to do, especially when Jason at the moment was way older than him.

"Hood. We need to talk about this." Tim tried to reason.

Suddenly two new people came rushing in. One of them was floating and bright green while the other was wearing a black shirt with a superman logo on it. He felt Tim tense behind him. "Kon?" Suddenly Jason's world went black.



Hey guys, I'm back. Sorry, I got a little writer's block but I'm here again. This is going to be so chaotic and I love it! Also not only is this back in time, but their universes are different. I would go by, Jason and Tim's universe is from the comics and fandoms. And the one they have been pushed into is the Young Justice TV show universe. So there are different characters that are alive or dead or have never been heard of in each universe.

Please tell me what you thought and if you have any ideas or suggestions about what you want to see in future chapters I would love to hear! They always help keep the inspiration going! Love you all, the next chapter should be out soon. Have a good week :)

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