Superior Robin -Chapter 7

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Dick was pacing back and forth in the main meeting room. These people that broke in were very strange, and this whole thing felt off to him. He wasn't used to being caught off guard. How was he supposed to be proving to Batman that he could work on his own, or even be a team leader when someone comes in that seems to somehow already know his secret identity?

He reached his gloved hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Dick recognized those fighting stances the boys had taken before Megan knocked them out. They seemed... Batlike, like how he was trained, even if he only saw a hint of it. It also seemed that the bigger one was definitely more aggressive than the smaller one. He clearly liked to taunt Dick, like he was holding all the cards in the game and Dick had a losing hand that he couldn't do anything about.

The fact that it seemed they knew something that he didn't, and it was all the more concerning with the way that they threw the insults at him. 'Dickface, Dickie-bird'... Sure, the first one could be a normal insult that, frankly, he had heard dozens of times, but Dickie-bird? That one had to mean something right?

Dick tried his hardest to give no reaction when his name was dropped, but he wasn't sure he covered it up well enough. The smaller one definitely noticed his slip, which begs the question of how they were trained. And Dick had certainly also noticed the red bat integrated into the design on the bigger one's chest, as well as how similar the style of the smaller one's suit was similar to Dick's own Robin design, at least in regards to the mask, cape, and armor.

Dick bit his lip and tapped his finger against his chin. He was tempted to call in Batman. If this was something that could be a potential identity breach, this was big. If they knew who Dick was, then they would definitely know Bruce Wayne. They are a package deal. If somebody found out the identity of either one, it wouldn't be long until they put the whole picture together.

But Dick also wanted so badly to prove to Batman that he could take care of things himself. And if he just called Batman in to help with something when these two might not even know anything about him... He didn't want to let Batman down like that, especially not after the team had fought so hard to fight on their own. And besides, this whole thing could be Dick focusing on things that weren't even there. He needed to know more first, be sure they knew who he was, and that it wasn't just a coincidence from an off comment.

Suddenly, from down the hall, he heard the faint sound of the medical room door slamming shut. The medical room was also housing the other kid they found unconscious with their new residents. The door wasn't supposed to close like that, at least not with Superboy and KF inside. Dick narrowed his eyes and took off in the direction of the medical room.

Once he got there, he realized the door had been slammed shut because of a lockdown. Dick squinted and looked through the bulletproof glass window to see both Wally and Conner laying on the ground both barely moving, one on top of the other. And lodged inside the lockdown button was a Batarang. Not good.

Not only had the kid escaped, but he was using the same tech that Batman and himself used. This was really not good. The kid was also definitely going in the direction of the other two in the interrogation room. Dick quickly spun on his heel and took off back towards Kal, hoping to intercept their intruder on the way.

Dick was about halfway there when suddenly he saw someone above him leap down, trying to land on top of him to take him out. Found their intruder. Dick dodged out of the way and got in a fighting stance to square off against the kid who he supposedly shared a name with. His eyes narrowed under his domino mask.

The kid was holding a knife in one hand and a small handful of Batarangs in the other. He was crouched lower to the ground. His eyes seemed to widen slightly in recognition when looking at Dick though. "How peculiar," The kid muttered under his breath before lunging forward.

Dick slid backward again, leaning out of reach, small birdarangs in his own hand as well as a small pocket staff he kept on his side at all times. The kid was definitely trying to slice him, not stab. And for some reason, the kid reeked of League training, not Bat training like the other two had.

Good thing Dick has fought the league-trained assassins before. "If you're looking for your friends, you're not going to find them," Dick commented, stepping away from another slash before spinning around and throwing two birds in the kid's direction. He dodged them easily and they landed in the wall behind him, cracking paint crumbling to the ground from around where the birds were wedged.

"I will be able to find them easily enough after I defeat you, and prove that I am officially the superior Robin." The boy's eyes narrowed as he danced around more and more attacks.

Dick launched forward. "Like hell you will." The kid jumped up and rolled over Dick's shoulders and landed behind him. With a quick swing of his knife, he sliced across the back of his calf where it wasn't covered by his cape.

Dick tried not to make a pained sound as he flipped around to try and grab the imposter, only for him to not be in Dick's line of sight when he turned. He saw a shadow shift from next to him and turned to block another slice, only for the knife to end up stabbing his gauntlet. Small sparks came out of it but the blade didn't pierce his skin.

He reached down with his other hand to smack the knife away from the kid's grasp, throwing it to the floor behind him. The kid, in turn, ducked down and kicked Dick's injured leg out from under him, causing him to land roughly on the floor. Dick let out a small cry as he reached to grab his leg.

The kid stood over him and scoffed, "I thought better of you, Grayson," before dropping a smoke pellet and disappearing. Dick's blood went cold. There go his chances of these people not knowing who he was. Dick was going to be in so much trouble.



Beta read by 'Arvensia' Thank you!

Here we go! I was a little unsure about how this chapter went, I know that Dick probably wouldn't go down that easily, but technically he is not down, Damain more or less knocked him over and escaped sooooo...

But even if this one felt a little off the chapters to come are going to be so much fun and I didn't want to get hung up on just one chapter and not continue the story for a few months or something, so here we go!

Love all your guys' comments! thank you to every one of you :D

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