Chapter 15

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I don't know what this feeling is
Perhaps I'm also in a dream

Jungkook pov

Jungkook looked guilty as he bit the inside of his cheek

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Jungkook looked guilty as he bit the inside of his cheek. What the hell caused him to reveal that specific detail? Jimin jumped from his seat, both hands grabbing his mouth. Omg! This is epic.

Taehyung's eyes were wider than a fake ufo's. Say what?

" relished life's guilty my...our little man-child grew into a man!"

Jimin roared with laughter as he messed up Kookie's hair. Taehyung was still stunned to silence. This was by far Kookie's deepest secret. Jungkook swatted his hand away from his hair. It's not a big deal! Jeez.

Taehyung shook his head, "You lost your innocence with your "first love"Woah woah! Why are we getting the inside scoop right now... You kept this secret for almost three months."

He was astounded. Their little maknae...!! If the Hyungs find out...he'll be roasted for life.

Jungkook nods and smiles "I was hesitant to tell you. Look at how you're reacting right now! Zen
....she made my head spin, Hyungs...she is mesmerizing "His eyes appear to glaze over as he thinks about her.

Jimin grins lightheartedly as he recalls the two's encounter "Taehyung....that girl is very...very famous. You saw her at our concert. She is stunning. It was hilarious to see how flustered and jealous Kookie was. She understands how to deal with 'her favorite cookie in the jar.'"

"Don't exaggerate...I was just happy to see her," Jungkook scoffs as he sips his last cocktail. "She just gets me...we're very at ease in each other's company. And it wasn't something we had planned. The timing was perfect."

"So you both cheated on your partners," Taehyung chuckled.

Jungkook raised his brows in protest, saying, "No, Lisa and I took a break, remember? She had some quality time with her soulmate. I was devastated when she expressed an interest in getting to know him better. So I ended things with her. She, on the other hand, did not want me to leave her. Then he was killed. Ms Fabulous was unofficially dating the Footballer until she got to meet her soulmate, so she wasn't dating at the time. So everything was fair in love and war. We never cheated on anyone." Jungkook grimaced.

Jimins' expression changed to one of concern, "How do you really feel about her now?Did she find her soulmate? I recall you saying she must still be celebrating her 21st birthday."

"No, she hasn't met him yet," Jungkook exhales deeply". That night, we confessed our feelings...but only because we agreed not to bring it up again because both of us were in -between dating other people," he looked conflicted, "I' love with her, but I still have feelings for Lisa. It's so complicated that I'm at a loss for words, do you choose between two girls?" his big doe eyes suddenly sadden. Lisa keeps calling him, and Nancy wants him to hang out with her. She planned a party at a nearby club, but Bangpd and his parents were against it after Lisa from Blackpink's shocking exposure a few weeks ago.

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