Chapter 11

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(here it is! after all this time! ThE FiNal cOunt DoWn Ba nu na nuuu ba na na nnnaaa...anyways this is the last chapter. Thanks for sticking with me, with my story. I rushed the ending, i'm sorry for that.)

Lizzie’s POV 

When I step through the door I instantly see her, sitting on the bench of the piano with Remy, our 6 month old puppy. If you can call her that anymore, she’s gotten huge. The chocolate Labrador was a ‘wait for me’ gift when we separated last year a little before Thanksgiving. 

I was shooting a new movie, she was beginning her third world tour and at the time our lives just weren't in sync. 

And although I fell asleep to the sound of her voice every night for the past few months, whether it be a voice recording or a phone call, it never felt the same. I’d still reached to the other side of the bed for her warmth, made two cups of coffee in the morning, and slept in her favorite my favorite T-shirt.

The scent of her perfume in the fabric sadly faded with time. But now I’m home. She is home. We are both in the same place for the first time in what feels like forever. I gently shut the door, doing my best to stay quiet. I want to surprise her.

Suddenly the music stops, her voice comes to a halt and Remy’s paw presses down on the keys. “What are you doing?” I hold my laughter, I’ve never heard her talk in that tone. “Are you trying to play with mommy?” Shock spreads across my face, she's talking to a dog and Remy responds with a bark.

Tú eres tan lindo.” She says, extremely playful with the rolling of her ‘R’. I’ve become very good at whipping out my phone and quickly swiping to my google translator. Well that was easy. Tan lindo just means ‘so cute’.

I tip-toe over to my girl and Y/n gasps as I wrap my arms tightly around her from behind. “I’ve missed you so much.” I whisper softly against her ear. 

“Hey.” She murmurs, as I maneuver myself onto the bench forcing Remy off in the process. “Uh, How are you? How was your flight? You're probably jet-lagged. You know what, I’ll make you something to eat before you go to bed.” She talks so fast and she’s up walking towards the kitchen before I have a chance to even comprehend a single one of her questions. Remy follows her at the heel.

“Oh remember those spicy shrimp tacos I told you about. I’ll make those.” With a sigh, I stand from the bench and trail to the kitchen as she moves from the fridge to the stove then to the cabinets and back. 

“After 6 months, I don’t even get a kiss?” I ask, rounding the island. Y/n freezes, stopping what she is doing. “I mean, did you even miss me?”

“Of course I did.” She assures me and she moves in front of me. “You know I did.” Her hands press to the counter boxing me in.

“Well then prove it.” with a smirk her hands drop to my waist and she lifts me up as if I were as light as a feather. She drops me on the marble surface and I automatically wrap my legs around her waist keeping her close. I bend down and before I know it her soft lips are parting slightly to allow my tongue to slip inside her mouth.

I don’t think we would have ever pulled apart if it weren't for Remy ruining the moment. “Oh yeah?” Y/n coos, in response to the dog’s unnecessary howl. “Is someone jealous?”

“Yes.” I say, interrupting her conversation with THE DOG! 


Y/n’s POV

Lizzie really was tired. She passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow, and I do her a favor and take her shoes off. Reaching up to the button of her jeans, I pull them off, leaving her in just her underwear and her sh…Is this my shirt? 

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