[9] bad bitch vs. bitch

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"okay so for our next project you'll
be working in pairs to come up with
a portfolio according to the brief."

you and andrea immediately turned towards each other and did "the look". obviously there was no one you'd rather work with, but also you didn't have many friends in your class. 💔

"so i've assigned everyone pairs
already, so don't bother finding a
partner yourself."


andrea whisper shouted to you. your mouth was hanging open in disbelief. 

you know what y/n? it's gonna be just fine. as long as you don't get partnered up with akina you're good. and what are the odds of that????

"...and finally, y/n and akina."


she. did. not.

you could've sworn that this was just a scheme to make you fail (even more than you were already). you knew the professor hated your guts, and the professor knew you hated akina's guts. this was definitely rigged.

but then maybe you wouldn't fail because akina was obviously the teacher's pet and there was no way she would give her anything less than an A-.

"now i want you to know this
was all randomly generated."

random my ass.

you turned to andrea and was about to scream and cry in her ear, but akina stepped between you two, blocking her ear hole 🙄😥

what a bitch.

sure, from her perspective you were probably the bitch. but at least you were A BAD BITCH 😎

"hi y/n!!!!!!!"

"...akina! h-"

"so i have soooo many great
ideas. the brief says our design
has to be winter themed so i
was thinking along the lines of
faux fur coats..."

you completed tuned out of the shit coming out of akina's mouth as you wondered how you were going to survive the next few weeks.

maybe i should've died in that car accident lol 🤩

finally class ended.

"so yeah! we'll just go ahead
with my idea, because um well
you probably don't have any
good ideas!"

she laughed, before quickly adding:

"no offence."

"none... taken."

"ummm, i guess i'll see you
next lesson then. i gotta go, i
have a date now!"

she giggled, and twirled her hair around her finger with her perfectly manicured nails.

"sure, see ya."

"you're not curious??? don't
you wanna know who i'm
going with???"

"oh my gosh, i'm sooo curious!
please fill me in. while you're at it,
how did you meet? where are you
going? on a scale of 1-10 how
much do you like them?"

she ROLLED HER EYES at you. THE NERVE this bitch has.

"does it look like i have the time
to tell you all of that? i'll just tell 
you who."

she smiled brightly before continuing.

"it's sakusa!!"

bro why did i make her so annoying i am so done with her shit bye

hi btw!! i was reading comments on this book and it made me feel bad for not updating so here you go, so sorry if this isn't any good or if it pissed you off LOL

so until i update (which is hopefully soon but realistically not very soon), i will leave you guys... with this 😍😍

edit: good fuckin bye i updated within the next hour DOUBLE UPDATE WHOOP WHOOP

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