seven ; things escalate

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Thursday, 11:36 a.m.
the spice girls 🤤🤠

wtf are you guys talking abt
you're just messing with me right?


Misun lowered her phone and stared off into space as she began to think. When Joon mentioned the words "company" and "fan", her mind immediately jumped to "k-pop group", but she had to be mistaken. There was no way in hell that she had been texting a k-pop group for the last three weeks, and even possibly became friends with them. It just didn't seem realistic to her.

Misun was shy, awkward, and anxious, three traits that stopped her from ever being comfortable with other people. She hated going out to clubs, meeting new people, and being in large crowds. She wasn't confident when it came to her looks either, making it even harder for her to let loose and have fun in public.

That's why, when texting this hilarious and surprisingly caring group of boys, it was easy for her. It was easy to hide behind her phone and pretend to be somebody that was confident, silly, and sarcastic.

Either way, Misun was hoping that they were just messing with her. They had to be. 


the spice girls 🤤🤠

you sound like you're in
a kpop group or something lol

home wrecker
...that's because we are

way to be blunt

home wrecker
what??? did you want me to lie????

i'm sorry sunny :(((
unfortunately, they're telling the truth

sunshine 🥰
pls don't be mad at us 😢


All of the air left Misun's lungs as she read the messages and reality set in.

So, they are a k-pop group.

And she had been sending them BTS memes and making horrible jokes and probably annoying them to death. She even told one of them that they weren't her type!

Misun froze as she remembered another thing she openly admitted to them. She dropped her phone onto the table and covered her face in horror at the now unwanted memory.

I told them I was a virgin!

She continued to cover her face as she took a few minutes to process everything. What the hell was she thinking, telling random people that she was a virgin?! At the time it seemed funny but now she was regretting it with every fiber of her being.

I should say something to them, she thought as she slowly picked her phone back up. She was still embarrassed as hell but not responding would be rude on her part. She read the messages that she missed and tried to think of something to say as she did so.

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