nineteen ; in your arms

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"Okay, class is dismissed for the day. Please, make sure that you..."

Misun stopped listening to the professor as she gathered her things and left the room with the other students in a daze. After her run with Namjoon that morning, she couldn't fall asleep and even opted to take melatonin gummies. When that didn't work, Misun gave up her hopes of getting a nap in before class and got ready instead. She was never able to fall asleep during the day anyway, no matter how tired she was.

Now, as she stepped out of the building and into the sunlight, she couldn't help but feel the weight of the day on her shoulders. Needless to say, she was exhausted.

She was very grateful that her apartment was in walking distance of the university because her body was also extremely sore. Misun couldn't wait to lay in her bed for the rest of the night and do absolutely nothing.

As she exited the elevator and came up to her door, her phone started to buzz. In her tired daze, she grabbed it and put it up to her ear without looking to see who it was. She unlocked her door and stepped inside as she answered, "Hello?"

"Lee Misun."

Dread. That's all that Misun could feel as she froze in her place. Her heart thumped rapidly as she stood in the doorway of her dark apartment. How long had it been since she last heard her mother's voice? Six months? A year?

"Hello, mother," Misun replies tentatively. She slowly closed the door behind her and made her way into the living room. She didn't even bother turning the lights on. The darkness scared her less than her mother did.

"I've tried calling you five times now. What is the point of having that phone if you're not even going to use it?"

Misun swallowed thickly as she tried to explain, "I was in class and-"

"Shut it!" Her mother snapped, making Misun flinch from the harshness of her voice. "I don't want to hear another excuse from you."

Misun remained silent as her mother continued with a heavy sigh. "Anyways, I just looked at your grades and I'm very disappointed in you. Shouldn't this be easy for you since all you ever do is 'study'? I'm starting to believe that you're lying to me by how awful you're last test score was. You need to improve soon if you want to go anywhere in life, Lee Misun. Don't disappoint me more than you already have by becoming a homeless bum."

Something inside of Misun broke as she listened to her mother rant. This is what she had called her for? Not to ask her how she's been, not to ask if she's been eating well, but to tell her that she's a liar and a disappointment?

Memories of all those sleepless nights where Misun had stayed up to study came back to her in full force. The worry, doubt, and anxiety that plagued her sleep and continued to haunt her throughout the day has always been a constant for her, even when she was a child.

And it was all because of her mother.

But, like many times before, all Misun could do was agree. She had to control her voice so that her mother wouldn't know that she was close to tears. "Of course, mother. I'll do better."


As soon as her mother ended the call without so much as a "goodbye" or "I love you!", Misun fell onto the couch in defeat. Tears pooled down her cheeks as she sobbed into her hands, her phone long forgotten.

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