Dream Sand & Nightmares

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Night-Time in Jamie's room Narrator's POV

"It was awesome! then I was flying down this hill! And it was like whoosh, whoosh, through these cars and then this sled hit these thing and it was like way up in the air! And then, bam! The sofa hit me..." Jamie says explaining to his little sister about his sled ride while holding his robot toy.

"Wow!" Sophie says at his story. "And see, my tooth came out!" Jamie says and shows her his loose tooth as she chuckles and tries to put her finger in Jamie's mouth. "Alright you. Tooth under pillow?" Jamie's mom asks him.

"Yeah, I'm ready" Jamie says and takes out his flashlight with determination.

"Now don't stay up trying to see her, Jamie or she won't come" his mom said to him. "But I can do it this time! You want to help me, Soph. We can hide and see the Tooth Fairy!" Jamie says to his sister and she gets excited.

"Hide, hide, hide, hide!" Sophie exclaims. "Uh-uh straight to bed now, mister" his mom says as she picks Sophie. "Mom" Jamie groans at her.

Outside the window Jack and Diancie are watching them as Jack freezes the window with a sad smile and flew up on the roof with Diancie following behind him.

"If there's something I'm doing wrong, can yo- can you just tell me what it is? Because I've tried everything and no one ever sees me" Jack says while looks at the moon and then he looks at Diancie who just gives him a small smile and he looks back at the moon.

"You put us here. The least you can do is tell me and Diancie, tell us why" Jack says desperately and waits for an answer but never got one and Diancie placed her hand on his shoulder and tried to make him feel better. Jack turned around, flew and lands on a wire while Diancie lands on another one and Jack then froze a wire next to him while Diancie watches him and then they noticed streams of golden dream sand flying in the air.

They turned around as Jack pulls down his hoodie and smiles

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They turned around as Jack pulls down his hoodie and smiles."Right on time Sandman" he says as Diancie to smile as well and both of them started run towards the dream sand.

Then a single stream of dream sand went towards them and Jack touches it and makes a dolphin swimming around him while Diancie managed to touch the golden sand as well and creates two mighty dragons flying around her making her laugh

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Then a single stream of dream sand went towards them and Jack touches it and makes a dolphin swimming around him while Diancie managed to touch the golden sand as well and creates two mighty dragons flying around her making her laugh.

At a apartment complex

A stream of golden dream sand went inside an apartment and revealed to be Cupcake's room and the dream sand went over her head and created a dream of her riding a unicorn and this made Cupcake smile in her sleep.

And soon an evil laugh was heard and then a shadow comes out from under Cupcake's bed and revealed to be a man in a dark robe appeared from the shadows and this is Pitch Black a.k.a The Boogieman. "Oh, I thought I heard the clippity-clop of a unicorn. What an adorable dream! And look at her" Pitch says looking at Cupcake who's is sleeping still and a good dream.

"Precious child. So sweet. So full of hope and wonder. Why, there's only one thing missing... A touch of fear" he says and touched the unicorn and it starts to turn black causing Cupcake to stir and gets scared.

 A touch of fear" he says and touched the unicorn and it starts to turn black causing Cupcake to stir and gets scared

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"That never gets old" Pitch said as the siluete turned into black sand and starts to swirl in front of him.

"Feel your fear. Come on, come on. That's right, yes" he says while the black sand forms into a demonic horse and went around Pitch's head.

"What a pretty little Nightmare!" Pitch says as he grabs the nightmare and looks at it in the eye.

"Now, I want you to go tell the others, the wait is over" Pitch says to the nightmare and then it flies away.

"Don't look at me like that, old friend" Pitch says looking at the moon while coming out from an alleyway.

"You must have known this day would come. My nightmare are finally ready, Are your Guardians?" Pitch said with an evil grin.

 My nightmare are finally ready, Are your Guardians?" Pitch said with an evil grin

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( Sorry if this was short chapter )

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