Past Memories & The Last Light

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Narrator's POV back with Jack

Back in the chasm Jack begins to wake up after blacking out from the attack Pitch did to him and slightly sits up while he was leaning against the wall and saw Baby Tooth curled up on the ground. "Baby Tooth!" Jack says and crawls over to her and gently picks her up and tries to warm her up but she squeaks and then sneezed. "Sorry. All I can do is keep you cold" Jack says sadly and sits up then adds "Pitch was right. I make a mess of everything...and Diancie always has to fix my mistakes".

Then Baby Tooth jumps off Jack's hand and went inside of his pocket trying to stay warm, Jack sighs and leans against the wall and closes his eyes, it was silent for a moment until he hears a familiar voice causing Jack to open his eyes.



Jack looks down and sees his pocket glowing and caused him to yell out and jump a bit as he pulls out his memory box.


He looks at it for a second before looking at Baby Tooth who's sitting on his leg, she gives him a small smile while putting her hand on the memory box with a nod, Jack then gently places his hand on the memory box and soon his past memories starts showing.

( I'm sorry for not writing the part for Jack's memories but here's the video of his Past Life, I couldn't figure out how to describe it )

After his memories ended Jack jumps a little while breathing trying to recall he had just seen. Baby Tooth looks at him before Jack looks at her and starts to say "Did you see... Did you see that?" Baby Tooth shakes her head and excitedly says "It... It was... It was me! I had a family! I had a sister! I saved her!" while he picks up Baby Tooth as she squeaks happily for him as he laughs before he stopped and realized.

"That's why he chose me" Jack said and looks up and Manny who's shining bright in the sky. "I'm... I'm a guardian" Jack says and then stands up, Baby Tooth squeaks and Jack puts her on his shoulder and says "We have to get out of here" and looks around then sees his staff before kneeling down and grabs both pieces. He tried putting them back together but nothing happens, he sighs in frustration as they weren't cooperating.

He then stands ups and with all his force he slams the two pieces together and finally a miracle happened when the staff starts glowing mending itself and Jack saw this as Baby Tooth squeaks happily and Jack watches as the ice magic got brighter

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He then stands ups and with all his force he slams the two pieces together and finally a miracle happened when the staff starts glowing mending itself and Jack saw this as Baby Tooth squeaks happily and Jack watches as the ice magic got brighter. Jack then flew out of the chasm with a cheer and a laugh as he says "Come on, Baby Tooth. I owe you one" as he saw about to head to Pitch's lair a voice called out to him. "You think you'll got by yourself, aye Jackie boy?" Jack and Baby Tooth's eyes widen and Jack turns around to see Diancie is floating like him without her wings. "Diancie!" Jack exclaims and zooms over to her and hugs her while Baby Tooth squeaks happily as she's happy to see that Diancie's okay and Jack laughs and says "You're alright! I thought I lost you" and says the last part as if he was ready to cry. Diancie hugs him back while gently stroking his hair as she says "It's alright Jack. It's not your fault, you didn't know this would happened. Neither of us did, I'm just glad you're okay" and Jack pulls away from the hug and was surprised by Diancie's new look, her hair color changed from grey to beautiful black hair along with her eyes as well, her eyes are still red but with a hint of pink in them and her pupils changed from pink to black making her look stunning as she's wearing her battle armor.

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