New Home

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Rose was swinging on the monkey bars when she saw someone running towards her, taking a closer look she dropped from the monkey bars and ran at the figure moving closer and closing the distance. She closed the gap and hugged the small figure swinging them around, concerning her parents.
“ROSE put them down right now.” Scarlett yelled. Rose let the person go but held their hand as they made their way closer to the parents on the bench.

“Mama, it's Luna, can she play with me please.” Rose said, desperately.

“Sure hon but one thing first. Luna, where's your parents?” Lizzie asked, in a calm comforting tone. Luna put her head down as her bottom lip began to quiver and tears filled her eyes.

“T-they di-died.” Luna stuttered out trying to contain her emotions but failed miserably as a cry escaped her small body. Rose instantly hugged her confused on why she was crying. Scarlett silently cried inside at the sentence Luna managed to say while Lizzie hugged both the girls picking them up. She set Rose on the bench and held Luna close trying to console the small child in her arms. Scarlett picked Rose up and took her over another part of the playground.

“Hey baby, do you want Luna to come home with us tonight?” Scarlett asked, in a calm quiet voice.

“Yeah mommy, can she really?” Rose said, excited.

“Yeah honey she can, go get mama and Luna for me.” Scarlett said, placing Rose on the ground. Rose ran over to Lizzie and Luna who was slowly calming down.

“Mama mama, mommy wants you.” Rose said, jumping up and down.

“Okay baby can you stay with Luna?” Lizzie asked.

“Yeah I can.” Rose said. Lizzie set Luna down and went over to Scarlett while Rose and Luna ran off to the playground. Rose pulled Luna to the slides and helped her go down them and followed behind her. Luna watched Rose with wide eyes as she did the monkey bars high off the ground without falling.

“That was so cool Rose.” Luna exclaimed.

“Do you want to try?” Rose asked.

“Um I don’t think that’s a smart idea.” Luna said, hesitantly.

“That’s okay you don’t have to, do you wanna go back to my moms then?” Rose asked.

“Yeah.” Luna said. Rose held Luna’s hand and walked over to Lizzie and Scarlett who were watching the girls while talking. They watch the girls walk over.
“Hey you guys okay?” Lizzie asked.

“Yeah we just wanted you guys.” Rose said, still holding Luna’s hand. Luna nodded behind Rose before slightly shifting so she was behind Rose.

“Luna are you okay?” Scarlett asked, the smaller girl behind Rose.

“C-cold.” Luna shivered. Lizzie walked over to Luna and picked her up.

“Scar grab Rosie so we can go home.” Lizzie said. Scarlett picked Rose up and followed behind them to the car.

“Mommy is Luna coming with us?” Rose asked with bright eyes.

“Yeah baby she is, where should she sleep?” Scarlett asked.

“With me mommy please.” Rose begged.

“Okay baby she can stay with you but if you need anything you come find us okay?” Scarlett said.

“Okay mommy.” Rose said.

“Liz, where is Luna supposed to sit? We only have Rose’s car seat?” Scarlett asked.

“Isn’t Rose old enough to sit in a booster seat now though?” Lizzie asked.

“Yeah, do we have one she can sit in?” Scarlet asked.

“Yeah, back of the car.” Lizzie replied, buckling Luna into the car seat. Scarlett found the booster seat and placed it in the car  before placing Rose down in the seat buckling her in. Scarlett went to the front and sat in the driver’s seat while Lizzie sat down in the passenger’s seat so she could keep an eye on Luna. Scarlett started the car and drove out the park parking lot and onto the main road. They drove for about 20 minutes before pulling into a gorgeous house with another car in the driveway.

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