First Meal

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"Mama was a little tired baby, she is napping on the couch." Scarlett said. Luna looked confused but Rose nodded, knowing her mama needed some more sleep.

"Can me and Luna go lay with her mommy?" Rose asked.

"Uh sure baby you guys can go lay in the living room but leave mama alone." Scarlett said, heading towards the back door. The girls nodded and headed to the living room, Rose turned the TV back on and watched TV while Luna cuddled into Rose's side. Rose rubbed her back lightly and twirled her hair around luring Luna to sleep. Shortly after Luna fell asleep Lizzie woke up, looking around trying to figure out where she was. She realized she was in the living room and sat up taking notice of Rose and Luna cuddling on the other couch. Rose was holding Luna, rubbing her back while Luna slept on her lap.

"Hey Rosie, where's mommy?" Lizzie asked quietly. Rose looked over at Lizzie.

"She's out in the backyard finishing dinner." Rose said, Lizzie nodded and went over to the backyard and watched as Scarlett cooked on the grill. Scarlett felt someone staring at her and looked over to see Lizzie standing in the doorway with a small smile on her face.

"Baby come outside with me." Scarlett said.

"But what about the girls?" Lizzie questioned.

"They'll be fine and we both know if something happens Rose is running out here like the house is on fire." Scarlett said, lightly chuckling. Lizzie nodded and sat in a chair by Scarlett. Scarlett finished cooking on the grill and put the food in a bowl before walking towards Lizzie and sitting on her lap, laying her head in the crook of Lizzie's neck.

"Tired babe?" Lizzie asked. Scarlett nodded her head and closed her eyes, slightly dozing off. Lizzie rubbed her back and occasionally ran her fingers through Scarlett's hair. Lizzie smiled when she felt Scarlett's body go limp as her body went to a long needed sleep. Rose comes outside and heads to where Lizzie is.

"Mama?" Rose asked.

"Yeah angel." Lizzie said, quietly.

"Me and Luna are hungry." Rose said in a whispered voice.

"Okay angel I'll come in, in a few minutes okay?" Lizzie said.

"Okay mama." Rose said, skipping back into the house. Lizzie sat up carefully and laid Scarlett on the chair, walking into the house and getting the girls food.

"Girls come here for a minute." Lizzie yelled. Lizzie heard the little patter of feet and smiled when the girls came running into the kitchen chasing each other.

"Yes mama." Rose said, as she caught her breath.

"What do you guys want to eat for dinner? We have hot dogs and hamburgers, with either french fries or salad. So what do you guys want?" Lizzie asked.

"I want a hot dog and salad please mama." Rose said, sitting at the table.

"Okay baby, now Luna what would you like to eat sweetheart?" Lizzie asked.

"Um I-i don't wa-want any-anything." Luna said, as her stomach grumbled.

"Luna, are you sure you because your stomach is telling you to eat. So I'll ask you again what would you like to eat?" Lizzie asked. Luna pointed to the french fries and followed Lizzie over.

"How many do you want, sweetheart?" Lizzie asked. Luna held up seven fingers before sitting at the table with Rose. Lizzie got the girls plates and set them at the table before grabbing both of them a juice. Rose instantly started eating her food whereas Luna was hesitant, Lizzie walked over to Luna and sat by her with her plate of food.

"Hey do you wanna eat with me Luna?" Lizzie asked. Luna nodded softly before picking up a french fry and taking a small bite. Lizzie followed and took a small bite of her food and watched as Luna chewed the french fry and swallowed. Lizzie swallowed her bite before taking another small bite, Luna followed her action taking a bite slightly bigger than before. They sat at the table with each other for an hour and a half eating when Scarlett came in still drowsy.

"Did you have a good nap babe?" Lizzie asked her lover who was slowly walking over to the table. Scarlett nodded before taking a seat next to Lizzie. Lizzie kissed her hairline and continued eating with Luna. Luna went to take another bite but was scared of what Scarlett would say and stopped mid bite placing the french fry back onto her plate. Luna stuck herself into Lizzie's side and hid her face.

"Hey Luna what's wrong?" Scarlett asked, confused on the young girl's actions. Luna didn't reply but instead stuck herself further into Lizzie. Lizzie rubbed her back and realized what was happening.

"Hey Luna she will never judge you about eating, you know that right?" Lizzie questioned. Scarlett then realized why Luna hid and got up and sat where Rose once sat.

"Hey Luna." Scarlett said, gaining the young girl's attention. Luna looked over at Scarlett still in Lizzie's side.

"I will never judge you for eating because I know how it feels to be judged about my eating habits. I will never judge you, okay?" Scarlett said. Luna nodded and came out from Lizzie's side and sat back up in her chair picking up her french fry. Scarlett nodded and Luna took a bite and swallowed it after chewing. Scarlett cheered as Luna finished her plate even if it was a small serving.

"I'm so proud of you right now Luna, so so so proud." Scarlett said, on the verge of tears. 

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