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"Come here Luna." Lizzie said, opening her arms for the young girl on the edge of tears. Luna ran into Lizzie's arms and burst into tears, not holding any back. A few minutes later Scarlett comes rushing into the trailer with a badly bruised Rose.
"Scarlett what happened?" Lizzie asked, in a calm steady voice.

"She fell out of a tree and hit her head. She said she heard Luna but was too weak to reply." Scarlett rushed out. Lizzie placed the now sleepy Luna on the couch and walked over to Scarlett, gently taking Rose out her arms and placing her on the bed.

"Babe I need you to calm down, she is gonna be alright she is already up and trying to leave the trailer." Lizzie said, catching Rose trying to leave. Scarlett nodded and let Rose go back outside to play, the door closed and Lizzie and Scarlett stood there when they heard a loud thud. Scarlett looked over to see if Luna was still lying there, and didn't see her. Scarlett walked over to the couch and saw the coffee table was shattered and there laid Luna face down in the glass.

"Lizzie call an ambulance!" Scarlett yelled, while turning Luna over. Scarlett gasped at the sight she saw, Luna's forehead had a gash and she was bleeding badly. Her blood was dripping down her face, covering the white dress she was wearing. Lizzie called an ambulance and waited to hear the sirens, once Lizzie heard the sirens she rushed out the trailer and directed them into the trailer.

"Okay ma'am can you tell me what happened?" The paramedic asked.

"She was sleeping on the couch and she fell off the couch landing on the glass coffee table. That's when we noticed the glass on the table was shattered." Scarlett said, as they bandaged Luna's forehead. They were putting Luna on the stretcher when Rose and Sebastian came running in.

"Mama where's Luna?" Rose asked.

"Well Rosie she has to go to the doctors for a boo boo she has." Lizzie said, blocking Rose from the scene behind her.

"Is she okay Liz?" Sebastian asked, noticing Lizzie's shaking hands.

"Yeah she should be but can you watch Rose for the night?" Lizzie asked.

"Of course I can, we'll head over to your guy's place when I'm done filming and get some clothes for the night." Sebastian said, picking Rose up and running outside with her.

"Bye mommy." Rose yelled as she got farther. Scarlett said bye back before heading over to the ambulance and seeing how Luna was doing.

"How is she doing?" Scarlett asked Lizzie who was sitting inside the ambulance with Luna.

"They said she would be okay, they just need to wait for her to wake up." Lizzie said, not making contact with Scarlett. Scarlett picked up on Lizzie's nervous tendencies and walked over to Lizzie so she was directly in front of Lizzie. Lizzie kept her eyes focused on the ground trying to calm her breathing that was slowly picking up in speed and shortening becoming shallow. Scarlett rubbed Lizzie's knee gaining her attention, Lizzie looked up from the ground finally meeting Scarlett's eyes.

"Baby are you okay?" Scarlett asked, while grabbing Lizzie's hands.

"I'm scared for her, she is such a sweetie. I don't want her to be hurt." Lizzie said, as she looked down at Scarlett and her hands. Lizzie started to count down from ten in hopes of calming her frantic breathing and her shaking body. Scarlett rubbed her thumb over the top of Lizzie's hands and counted out loud for her.

"Thank you Scar." Lizzie said, finally meeting Scarlett's eyes.

"You're welcome babe, but do you wanna see if Luna is okay now?" Scarlett asked. Lizzie gave a slight nod before helping Scarlett stand up. Scarlett wrapped her arm around Lizzie's waist and guided her to where Luna had been seated. Luna looked up as she heard footsteps approaching her and smiled when she saw Lizzie and Scarlett coming over to her.

"Wizzie, S'arlett!" Luna exclaimed with excitement while running to meet them.

"Hey sweetheart, you okay?" Lizzie asked bending down to pull the young girl into a hug. Luna hugged back before looking up at Scarlett.

"S'arlett hug too." Luna said, looking at Scarlett. Scarlett crouched down next to Lizzie letting Luna pull her into the hug as well, Luna beamed with happiness when Lizzie kissed her forehead finally feeling loved by someone. Lizzie and Scarlett looked at each other over Luna's head and nodded before breaking away from the hug.
"I'm gonna call Seb and tell him that he doesn't need to watch Rose anymore." Scarlett tells Lizzie while heading to a quiet corner. She goes on her phone and finds Seb's contact and calls him, he answers instantly.

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