Chapter 3

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A/N: Again, sorry for the bad English!!

Cale wasn't lying when he mentioned he was lost. 

As night fell, the streets gleamed with lights. The majority of the shops were closed, but the bars and clubs were lively.

And there he was, all alone, freezing, and exhausted.

'I wonder where this path would take me.'

The red lamb had been walking for who knows how long and had yet to locate the farmhouse or the misty forest. He remembered Mary running quite a distance while bringing him to the farmhouse, so he gave up trying to find his way back. 

Although, if no one finds him soon, he might truly pass out from starvation.

'Oh, a fountain. This must be the town square. They should be able to find me here right?'

The Henituse territory's town square is located at the heart of the town. The count positions it there so that it is always easily accessible on foot.

Cale did not think of who or which they he was referring to as he just hoped that someone would pass by, notice him and take him home or whatever. 

Dinner in bed sounds nice.

But of course, if the count catches wind of it, Cale might be stuck with a lengthy lecture. It wasn't his first time following strangers home you see. (Shush!!)

Many people approached him and cooed at him. The majority of them approached him to pat his soft fur, but none of them considered informing the count or even bringing him home with them. Pretty quickly, the onlookers moved on, leaving the little lamb alone at the fountain.

'Wha- why?  Usually in this situation wouldn't they go, "aww you poor thing, do you have a place to go?" something as such?'

Cale was feeling down when he realised that bringing a cat home would be more realistic than bringing a lamb home. He understands that he may appear majestic in the eyes of others, but wouldn't it make him more tempting to kidnappers?

Unbeknownst to Cale, there was a certain brunet watching him all along.

Alberu intended to ask Mary what happened when she hurriedly ran out, but he saw the supposing "dinner" chasing after her.

He was intrigued and followed the red lamb.

At first, he could see the lamb struggling to keep up with Mary. Later, he heard rumours that the count's lamb had gone missing but simply brush it off. He ran into grandpa Obante who was on his way back to the farmhouse and struck up a conversation with him. The lamb was slowing down a lot and it didn't take Alberu much time to keep up with those baby steps.

"Ho, isn't that the count's favourite lamb? Is he on an adventure alone?" said grandpa Obante.

Alberu then noticed the shining jewels on the lamb's neck. Now that he understands where the lamb came from, he can't help but be concerned considering Mary was the one who brought it home. What if Mary took it because she thought the lamb was adorable? He chose not to doubt his cousin, but their heads might go flying if something were to happen to the lamb.

Alberu overheard howlings of wolves but Cale was too busy running to notice. Afraid of the wolves harming Cale, Alberu accelerated his pace and kept a safe distance between himself and the lamb.

Alberu is currently regretting his life choice.

He was amused to see that the lamb did not panic when it got lost. BUT! The lamb appears to be too innocent and could be taken advantage of by others.

"What should I even do with you?"

Standing in front of Cale, Alberu looked down at him. Alberu then squatted down in front of Cale to be at eye level with the lamb.

'What's he doing here?! I didn't mean him when I prayed for someone to find me!'

Sensing danger, Cale tried to flee but his legs were too exhausted that he gave up. Cale then raised his head and locked gaze on the brunet. Cale was unable to communicate, and Alberu would appear insane if he attempted to converse with a lamb.

"I won't eat you."

Alberu had a solemn expression on his face as he extended his hands to Cale. 

He did not hope for the lamb to come with him willingly but it was better to protect the fluffy creature than to face the enraged count later. 

Cale understood his intention, trying his best to remain stoic, he nodded.

"You...ha... You can understand me?"

nods nods

"Oh does that mean that you heard..."

nods aggressively

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."


"Does that mean that you have forgiven me?"


'Consider yourself lucky young man.'

Alberu picked the lamb up with both hands and settled it in his arms. Despite the dim lighting on the streets, Alberu can see the carvings on the lamb's collar.

'As expected of the rich count of Henituse, even giving a full name to a lamb. I understand that it is quite an intelligent fellow, but why did the count give his last name to a lamb?' thought Alberu.

"Hey Cale, what do you think of staying with us for a bit? You'll need a place to sleep at least for tonight."

Cale did not look at Alberu, but he did lightly scratch his forearm and tilt his head.

Alberu did not ask further and Cale did not answer. The man and the lamb then went back to the farmhouse peacefully.

At the same time, somewhere in the misty forest...



"Young master Cale where could you be, this Hans does not want to lose his head 😭!"

The nightmare did not end there, it lasted till the next morning.

A/N: Sorry for such a short update, my mind went on a holiday and it does not want to come back.

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