Chapter 4

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"Mary, you should let him go."

"...I will not."

The lamb is being held for dear life by the owner of the GPS-like voice. Mary had made up her mind to care for the fluffy baby and was adamant about not giving it back.

"What if the count finds out about this? That lamb is the count's most prized possession, and it will not end well for the rest of us."

Mary tightens her grip on the lamb, knowing that Alberu would attempt to steal it from her if she didn't. Alberu could only shake his head in displeasure as he observed Mary's silence.

Cale was debating whether he should act rebellious and run away from both parties right then and there, or whether he should pretend fainting. Cale was feeling drowsy after the duo had been going on for the entire morning. Worst of all, agricultural workers such as Mary and Alberu are accustomed to rising earlier than the general public in order to farm.

Cale is currently observing Alberu as he rolls the blueberries off the branch. Alberu's skilled hands tell him that some of the blueberries aren't quite ripe yet so he needs to be cautious. Alberu cleared out the debris from the blueberries and popped one into Cale's mouth. 

'It's juicy and sweet.'

Cale munched on the blueberry with a satisfied smile. Alberu swore the lamb's smile could illuminate the whole universe.

Now that the lamb has warmed up to them, Grandpa Obante did not object to Cale being taken in on the condition that he inform the count the next day. Oh of course, Mary made a promise to him, but Tasha and Alberu were aware that the girl's words weren't genuine.

Grandpa Obante's schedule was known to Mary, so she predicted for him to deliver the crop at noon. Thus, she took advantage of the opportunity to try to smuggle Cale somewhere safe in the morning but Alberu caught her red-handed. Alberu held in a chuckle when he noticed that Cale was half asleep.

"Why don't you ask Cale if he'd want to stay a little longer?"

"A wolf was chasing him."

"That must be one of the count's wolves and they are protecting him."

"Do you expect me to believe you? I saw a wolf chasing Cale."

Mary looked at the lamb with pity as she stroked its fur. It appears absurd that wolves would shield their food. Wolves are scavengers. They put their prey to the test, using visual, hearing, and scented signals to find any weakness or weakness. Such predators would not hesitate to launch an attack.

'I'm not sure what she's referring to. Choi Han may appear vicious at times, but he would never do anything that'll harm me.'

Cale was reminded of the days when Choi Han would take Lock rabbit hunting. Cale was terrified by the bloodstains on their fur because he was only a herbivore that ate plants to survive. Choi Han waggled his tail as if asking Cale for compliments, but Cale passed out before he could speak.

'Ah, memories...'

Cale opened his mouth asking for more blueberries, and Alberu complied. Watching Cale eat was rather entertaining. No wonder the count adores the red lamb.

"Cale, what do you say? Wanna stay and have a little fun on the farm?"

Alberu smiled as he handed Cale another large blueberry. Cale bit into that blueberry without hesitation, yet Alberu's smile appears suspicious.

'Is he trying to scam me? Ho, let's see who will be scamming who.'

Cale shook his head and averted his gaze. He was aware that if he stared at Alberu for too long, the young man would approach him and ask to cuddle him.

"Why not?"

Mary was saddened that the lamb refused to stay. Even though they only met recently, it hurts to see someone you care about leaving you.

'Well, the bed here sucks. No wait, I can't just say that in front of their face since they gave me a good hospitality.'

To summarise, Alberu provided him with a bed made of straw and wheat. Cale was not permitted to sleep with them since his fur would strew around the room.

Cale turned to face Alberu.

"...Is it because of me?"

Cale gave Alberu a questioning expression.

'Who else!'

"Oh, ah-ahem haha..."

Alberu's inquiry had been answered by the intensity of the glare and he would have been an ocarina by now if glares could kill. Alberu faked a cough as he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the night before, but it made him even happier.

"I'm sorry alright. But hey, if you stay and entertain Mary for a bit you get to eat all of these blueberries."

"Cale, what he said is correct. I'm sure blueberries taste better when they're picked right away."

Cale is puzzled as to what makes a small lamb like him so appealing, though Mary's monotone voice did not come across as malicious.

'I don't think I can survive with just blueberries alone, and my back is hurting. Look here youngsters, I'm not homeless and I'm definitely not lacking blueberries either. If you keep me here for too long, I'm afraid my family would-'

A black blob appeared in front of the trio at that same moment. Technically, there were two blobs, one black and the other grey.



Ah, speak of the devil.

There were rustles coming from behind them, the cries of the wolves must have alerted the search rescue team. 

Mary assumed that the wolves from earlier had returned with reinforcements to attack Cale, and that they would divide the poor lamb amongst themselves. She could not go up against an entire wolf pack. Thus, with Cale in her arms, she dragged Alberu and ran for her life.


"Wait, Mary!! I think you got the wrong idea!!!"

As a result, the pursuit began. Mary did not hear Alberu's scream but what she did notice was Cale flailing around a lot.


Cale may eventually die from embarrassment. Rather than trying to explain the situation, Cale was suffocated by Mary's grip and the speed with which she was running. He very much regretted not smacking Alberu and fleeing first thing in the morning.



"Baaatt... (Help...)"

For the first time while he was on the farm, Cale let out a weak bleat.


'Not you aigoo...'

Unfortunately, Mary and Alberu were unable to outrun the two wolves and came to a halt. Cale rushed in front of Choi Han and Lock when Mary was ready to give a dropkick. 


 The misunderstanding was sorted out but the wolves demanded that Cale be returned to them right away. This time, a brawl erupted, and Alberu had a hard time cleaning up the mess.


29th day of the 3rd month,
781st Felix Calendar.

Dear diary,

I haven't slept in over a day, and I have yet to find any traces of young master Cale. Oh never mind, I think we found him! I'm sure the wolves were howling nearby a second ago, but where have they gone? Should I quit my job and go into hiding, diary?  I am sure the count is an understanding person so please allow Hans to embark on a journey in search of inner peace.


A/N: Cale lookin super fine 

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