Chapter 5

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"Okay, but what if I'm hired?"

"It would not be wise for the count to hire the person who kidnapped his so-called son as a caretaker."

"What if we ask Cale to make a request on our behalf?"

"I believe you should first reconcile with the wolves."

"...I'll think about it."

Cale was sandwiched between the two wolves. Choi Han on his left and Lock on his right. Cale could only sigh as his days to slack were constantly disrupted.

The breeze was cold, and the sun was obscured by clouds. From the surrounding street, waves of laughter could be heard and the hustle and bustle all around indicated a busy yet vibrant atmosphere.

"Cale-nim, we should leave and smack them in the back later!"

"From what I've seen, I don't think she will treat the young master-nim badly?"

"But she's dangerous!"

Cale could be seen nodding his head after hearing their conversation, but he was actually dozing off and was sure he'd be asleep any second now. He simply does not want anything to do with these maniacs. Even though it was tranquil, he felt frustrated and tired.

Cale's head fell on Choi Han's soft and furry back as Choi Han snuggled closer to him, understanding that Cale wanted to nap.

"Little Cale is not even listening."

"I've heard that even animals require nap time."

Not intending to disturb the red creature's sleep, the two humans turn their heads to seek the advice of a poor shepherd.

Hans wasn't as nervous as he had been when he first arrived, but he couldn't help but quiver as Alberu and Mary stared at him with eager eyes. Hans was on the verge of another breakdown, but fortunately the precious lamb went back to the farmhouse in the arms of a young girl, together with the wolves and a brunet. The rescue squad screamed hallelujah and hugged each other, with some bawling their eyes out. They were then served tea and refreshments while Hans listened to the events of the previous two days.

But what Hans couldn't understand is that, the young girl had grown attached to the red lamb and didn't want to part with it. Alternatively, she proposed that she'd work for the count as the red lamb's exclusive caretaker, tending to its needs.

Okay, so Hans didn't have the heart to break it to Mary that the count himself is a slave for the lamb. Yes, don't ask why. And now they're talking about alternatives and ways to dissuade her from applying for that ridiculous job.

"Miss Mary, why don't we take him back before the count fires all of us? My team and I are rather tired and I don't think we can keep this up for long."

Enduring a yawn, Hans managed to finish what he came here to do. The return of the lamb was their top priority, and everything else came second. If the count were to realise that Hans did not immediately report his discovery of Cale, he may have to work extra hard in the future to regain the count's trust.

When it comes to the red lamb, Hans and the rest of the team understand how terrifying the count may be.

"Cale, I don't care if the world is destroyed or set on fire. All I care about is the safety of my family, our family. And you, my dear, are a Henituse. I will not hesitate to commit treason even if the royal family does you harm."

"Count-nim, if anyone hears of this..."

"It does not matter, let this serve as a reminder for them not to mess with the golden turtle."

Hans struggled to push aside a recollection from when he first started working at the mansion.

Before beginning his search, the count had given Hans a well made and exquisite pouch. The pouch was small but it can fit a lot of things inside. Cale was startled awake by the sound of coins clinking and turned to face the pouch. Choi Han and Lock could only sigh, knowing exactly what their leader was thinking. The pouch was then given to Mary and Alberu.


"I'm sorry young master-nim, but it is not for you."


Cale decided to ignore Hans for the rest of the day. He was secretly planning to hurl his pillow at Hans when he returns home.

"The count mentioned that anyone who found the young master-nim would be rewarded, and since your family members have taken such good care of our young master-nim, I am expected to gift this to you."


A million gallon was a large sum of money for a commoner but for Cale, it was less than a week's worth of pocket money.

Hans was about to get up when Mary tried to intervene. Mary was pushing her luck, to say the least.

"Please take me with you."

"...There was no harm in asking the count, but if he refuses to allow you to work at his mansion, please do not make a scene and return."

When it comes to separating work and personal life, his statements are harsh and professional, as one would expect from someone who has worked for the count for most of his life.

Alberu gave up persuading her and turned to set his eyes on the trio fluff. He then opened his mouth.

"What about you guys? Are you alright with Mary being Cale's personal caretaker?"

Chaos broke out.

"No! Cale-nim I don't like her!"

"Isn't it good to have someone to brush the young master-nim's fur frequently?"

"She must have had hidden intentions. What other explanation do you have for why she hasn't returned Cale-nim to us?"

"Ah... I see, if Hyung could not get along with her then I guess we can't stay together under one roof."

"What if we put her on probation?"

For a brief while, the howling ceased. Choi Han appeared to hold a bitter hatred against Mary, but he was now pondering about it. Lock was simply relieved that they had reached an agreement.

"We can see if she is sincere in her words if it is just a probationary period. It's not like she's going to hurt me."

Cale then gave Mary the green light. What he didn't realise was that he had created another misunderstanding.

"As expected of Cale-nim, you're so forgiving towards those people."

Sincerely, the slacker life that the red lamb longs for, will never come true.

A/N: In Chinese, there's a saying "一哭二闹三上吊(Yī kū èr nào sān shàngdiào)". Which means to weep, whine and commit parasuicide if they do not get what they want. Usually used for girls who want to marry the man they like but was unable to. Now, if I am transmigrated to TCF, I'm sure I would do the same as those girls :)

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