Chapter I just realized I skipped Chapter 6

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Princess Anna's royal titles lesson; 

Princess Anna- There are around 9 tiers of nobility. It's best to think about it this way, the more they are in a kingdom the less they matter. 

Claudette- So there is only one queen but multiple dukes so the dukes are less important than the queen? 

Princess Anna- Exactly! Our kingdom has 4 dukedoms but only one royal family, which means I outrank you.  

Claudette- Huh... But then how do I know who outranks me? Am I supposed to just go around and count them? 

Princess Anna- Well that's easy as a future duchess the only people who outrank you are the royal family! 

Claudette- What?

Princess Anna- The ranking goes like this; 

Claudette- Okay so then I should just call people by their title

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Claudette- Okay so then I should just call people by their title. Like your Princess Anna and then Emilee would be Baroness Emilee. 

Princess Anna- That works when talking about someone but not when you're talking to them. And it can come off as rude, especially if they refer to you by your honorific. 

Claudette- I'm gonna pretend that made sense. 

Princess Anna- Sadly I don't think there is any way it makes sense... As a duchess, you will be addressed as your grace. I would be your highness while my nephew, as the crown prince, would be your royal highness. And then my brother would be your majesty. 

Claudette- That's a lot to remember.. wait but what about all the other titles? 

Princess Anna- Well that's actually the easy part since they are below you, you would simply put Lord or Lady in front of their name. And you would refer to them as Baron ____ or Countess ____. 

Claudette- Well that makes it slightly easier. So if I was being proper I would call you... Your Highness Anna? 

Princess Anna- Oh dear I fear I have made this more confusing.... hmmm. My name is Princess Anna, my title is Princess Royal but you would address me, if I had not given you permission to call me by my name, as your highness. If I was lower than you, you would simply call me Lady Anna, or whatever my title is Anna. 

Claudette- Okay.. but quick question what is a Princess Royal? I thought all princesses were royalty? 

Princess Anna- Finally an easy question! I am Princess Royal because I am well was the oldest daughter of the king. My aunt used to hold the title, as she was the oldest of her sisters but when she died it was passed onto me as the current king's oldest daughter. 

Claudette- So you are a princess it's just specifying that you are the oldest princess? 

Princess Anna- Usually yes but technically no. For example, my aunt Joesphina is older than me but she is just a princess since when he older sister passed it was my father who was king and not her's. So when I die the title will go not to Joesphina or my child but instead to my nephew's eldest daughter. Assuming he is king at the time. 

Claudette- Well if it's like that wouldn't there be gaps sometimes? What if the King has no daughters, would it go to one of his sisters? 

Princess Anna- No it must go to the current monarch's eldest daughter. So if the King has no daughters the title will just sit around until he has one or one of his descendants does. 

Claudette- Okay I think I got it! Well, at least I understand better than before. 

Princess Anna- And we are here, Perfect! Especially since I didn't want to have to explain the difference between a Queen Consort, a Queen Regnant, and a Queen Regent. 

Claudette- Hahaha, funny joke two of those are the exact same. 


Claudette- Aren't they? 

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