Chapter 22

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Happy (Late) One Year Anniversary!  

I have now officially been working on this story for a year and I have something for all my readers as a present... 

I Must Save the Evil King is being adapted into a webcomic!!!!!!!

I'm so excited to be working with the artist MOON DEAN for this project, her art is amazing and she is just as talented of a writer.  

The comic is available on Webtoon and Tapas under the same name as here on Wattpad.  

The first two pages are up now! Please go support this project in its new comic form, now onto the chapter:


My dearest Lady Rousseau, 

I will say it bluntly since I have struggled these past weeks to say it any other way;

I worry about you these past weeks. You left the palace in the middle of the night and I have heard no word of your health or even been given any confirmation that you are in fact back at the Baron's house.     

I worry that your fainting spell may have been a symptom of something else. In which case I implore you to write back as soon as possible so I may send the best doctors to your estate. I have been told my mother had frequent fainting spells in the latter years of her life so I hope you can understand my concern. 

I worry that your stepmother is not treating you well. I know how you despise being trapped in your room all day and I worry that she has done just that as punishment for your disappearance. Unless of course, she was the one who organized it. Something which I will only know once you respond, and since you do not send me any letters to ease my worry you shall have to hear each of them in full.      

There is one last thing that worries me but I find myself unable to write it. I find myself holding onto a slim thread of hope that this worry is not true and I worry writing it down will snap my thread in two. If it is true, if what I did reached your eyes; I am sorry. If my thread holds true and these words make no sense to you, forsake them as the ramblings of a man who is concerned for the health of his new friend. 

I have sent with this letter flowers from my mother's garden. If you reply within the week, my next letter will come with cookies. 



Dear the Prince,

I am fine. Thanks for asking. 

- still just Ettie 

p.s. Can you tell your aunt I loved the party? I didn't get a chance. 

My Dearest Ettie, 

I am glad to hear you are well but you must understand how your lack of answers worries me. Please tell me what I shall need to bribe you with in order to learn what I wish to know. Understand that I will get you whatever you ask for. 

Thibault has reminded me of his indiscretion toward you the night of the ball. As such I have sent with this letter a new pair of shoes and a dress to replace the ones he damaged. I apologize for his actions and assure you he is much better behaved sober. 

Please write back as soon as you can. 


Just Julian    

p.s. My aunt is happy to hear you enjoyed it, I think she will be sending you a letter soon as well. 

To Lady Claudette  

I have heard from my dear nephew that you enjoyed my party. 

I enjoyed your presence so you shall come to my next one.  

Apologies for the short letter but I so loathe writing,  

From Your Princess 

To My Favorite Princess 

It is okay. I am bad at writing letters too. 

From Claudette 

Dear Prince Julian 

I have gotten a letter from your aunt, it was very sweet. I am planning on hanging it near my desk. I have also gotten a pair of shoes and a dress which I dare not accept. 

I'm sending them back and with them the answers to your questions. 

- I am back at the Baron's estate

- I just fainted from sleep deprivation (Please do not send doctors) 

-  Yes I was trapped in my room but luckily my time has been served and I am now free to roam the rest of the house. It is a slight improvement. 

- You already know why I had to leave 

In exchange for this valuable information I ask for some in return;

Please tell me what you know of Prince Laurent. 

- Ettie 

p.s. Please send sweets next time and not clothing 

Dear Ettie, 

I am afraid I do not know much about Prince Laurent. He was my uncle but I was young when he passed and as such I don't remember him well. I have heard he was close with my aunt and they had vowed to only marry someone the other approved of. I know there was a large age gap between him and my father at least 10 years, with my father being the oldest. I will ask my aunt about him but I doubt she will want to tell me much. 

If I could ask why the interest in my family tree?

I am pleased to hear that you have escaped Lady Emilee's punishment though I worry for you trapped in that house. Mainly though I worry about the ones trapped in there with you. Please do remember to sleep and eat enough since obviously, your body reacts poorly when it lacks either.  

Since you obviously have no interest in clothes I have sent with this letter a box of sweets from all across the globe. Please do try them all and tell me which is your favorite. 

I do realize I am ignoring the final piece of information you gave me but you must understand I know not else what to do. I'm afraid I don't think I can have this conversation through paper. I do hope we can still be friends. 

And please do just call me Julian. 


"The Prince"

To; Lady Claudette  

Stop looking for people who don't exist 

From; Princess Anna 

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