Chapter 25

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I paced around the dark room, the fire had gone out a while ago, as I listened to the hands on the clock tick tick tick. 

Camilla groaned in her sleep, she had tried to stay awake with me but had only made it till 10. I watch as the minute hand finally moves to the 10. It was now 11:50, only 10 minutes until I was set to meet my mysterious informant. It was time to move out. 

I had watched plenty of spy movies in my life as Elizabeth, though I had never expected I would be in one. I put on my slippers, and Camilla's coat, with its plain style people would assume I was a maid. I tied up my hair, its color was too recognizable and hid it under a bonnet.

I opened the window to see if I could escape through the tree, but it was too far away and the only branches I could reach were thin and wouldn't support my weight. I would have to go out the front door then. It was risky but most people would be sleeping at this point, anyone else would hopefully assume I was a maid.   

I opened the door to my guest room slowly and slipped into the hallway. There were no candles in the hallway, instead, it was lit by the moonlight through the large windows that lined the hall. Just as I closed the door I heard the sound of heels clicking on the stone floors. 

"Shit" I whispered to myself. I looked around but there was nowhere to hide. With no other option, I ran behind one of the stone pillars, pushing my body into the wall. 

I listened as the footsteps turned down my hall. I clenched my eyes shut in panic. They don't see you. The footsteps drew closer. They don't see you. Even closer now. They don't see you. The footsteps stopped. 

"I can see you," She could see me. I stepped forward surprised to see it was Duchess Sarduo who had found me. 

"Duchess!" I dropped into a curtsey. 

"Come. We will talk in my office," I peeked up at her from underneath my bonnet but she was already walking away. Quickly I scurried after her. I would have to come up with some sort of excuse to break away. Did she think I was a maid? Or had she recognized me? 

We walked in silence for a bit. Despite the Sarduo's house being small compared to other nobilities houses it was still larger than any home I could ever hope to own. The giant windows that lined each hall showcase the gorgeous garden in the center of the house. Though its plants were starting to die and the tree's leaves had turned orange, it was still one of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen. 

"How did you find out about the symbol?" I looked to Duchess Sarduo. The star? Does that mean she was- I thought back to the dark figure in the library and its oddly familiar voice. I guess I won't need to sneak away tonight. I somehow managed to get a room in my informant's house. 

I have to admit I am slightly disappointed. I want to know if I am a good spy.     

"Don't just gawke. I asked you a question," She pushed open a pair of large oak doors and we were in the garden, our only light was the streams of moonlight breaking through the trees. "Here come sit, no one is around." 

We sat at a table with a chessboard engraved on the top. I squeezed the chair, I couldn't let her see how nervous I was. 

"I found it in a book. The symbol. It was in a book about the Prince." 


"No his uncle, Laurent." 

"Interesting," She twisted the ring on her finger. "And that was enough? To make you so desperate as to stay in the capital overnight?" 

"I love mysteries," I shrugged. 

"A detective and a geologist?" She mused. It's great to see my lie about geology didn't just stick it spread. "Either you are a very bored young girl or you are lying." 

"I-" It's not like I could tell her the truth. She wouldn't believe me, and I'd get sent to the insane asylum. "Something bad is going to happen. I can't tell you how I know but... If I don't figure out how to stop it now people will die. Julian. Thibault will die." 

Maybe that was a bit much. 

She had stopped twisting her ring and was now staring at me with a disbelieving look. Well, this was it I guess, I messed up, time to take me to the looney bin.  

"Finally," She sighed, leaning back in her seat. "I'm not going crazy. You've seen it too. The people hiding behind corners. Watching all of us." 

"Yes, of course I've seen them!" I have no idea what she is talking about. 

"You have to listen very carefully," She grabbed my hands in hers. "I will only tell you this once, and once they find out you know you'll be in danger. You can't tell anyone else what I am going to tell you today."

I nodded. 

"My husband didn't die. That morning when I woke up he was in a panic, but he wouldn't tell me what was wrong. I had to go to tea that day, and when I left he was still ... something was wrong. I should have stayed, because when I got home he was gone. Not dead. No there was never a body. That coffin was empty. I searched the house for any note any clue as to where he went, but I didn't find anything. That was until I found a false bottom in one of his desk drawers inside was a red handkerchief I had never seen before and on it-"

"Was the mountains and the star." She nodded. 

"It wasn't his. I know it. I tried to show it to the king but he thought I was going crazy, but ever since that meeting people have been following me. It's been a year and they still follow me, they are waiting for me to slip up." 

"And you think the people following you killed your husband?" 

"I think I was never supposed to find that handkerchief. And I know my husband wouldn't leave me behind unless he had to." 

Two people dead. Both with this weird handkerchief near them. Both important members of- both important to Prince Julian. Duke Sarduo trained Thibault and Julian, he was the reason they met and Claudette was Julian's fiance.          

"I know there is something you are hiding from me Lady Rosseou. I can see it in your eyes. I just ask one thing from you, keep my son out of it." Her voice cracked a little at that, and I could tell now she was holding back tears. "Whatever my husband got into, whatever you are getting yourself into... I can't lose him, he's all I have left."

I squeezed her hands tightly. 

"I promise you Duchess I will protect him," She smiled at that, her posture relaxed. She wasn't the first mother I promised to save the son of, I'm kind of hoping she is the last though. 

"Celine. You can call me Celine. Now come quickly it is late, perhaps in the morning you will have more to tell me?" She cocked her eyebrow, she wasn't quite satisfied with my answer yet. "But until then let's get some sleep."      

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