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I could never get used to the almost seven-hour drive home from college. It was a boring, grueling drive with nothing to look at, and I was glad this would be the last time I would be making this drive.

The only thing I did have to worry about was having to tell my parents why I won't be going back to college, once August came around.

As I turned down the dirt road that led to my home, my feet and back ached from having to sit in the same place for hours on end. Only a little bit more to go, and then I would see the house I've known forever and I'll know that I'm home.

I was right. It was a couple more feet until the only house I've known as home came into view, my older brother standing on the porch with an eager grin on his face.

Before I could even put the car in park and turn it off, Beckett ran over to where I stopped and opened the driver's door, ready for a hug. He exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug once I put the car in park, "Cassie! I missed you!"

For a long while, he wouldn't let go of me, which was typical of any of his hugs. I exclaimed, trying to hold in my smile, "I missed you, too, Beckett, but I think I want to be able to breathe for a moment."

Finally, Beckett let go of me and grabbed the first two suitcases I had packed away in my car, as soon as he noticed I was reaching for them. He said, "Have you told Mom and Dad about you... dropping out?"

He uttered the last part like it was a bad word, watching the windows of the house as if someone would overhear our conversation.

In reply, I shook my head and decided to change the topic, "So how's everything been? How's the ranch been?"

"Actually, not good," Beckett sighed, glancing around the vast landscape that I have called home since I was in diapers. "We had to let go two of our ranch hands, so we only have Gus and the new guy."

I raised an eyebrow and questioned, "The new guy?"

"His name's Houston," Beckett answered casually as he opened the front door of the house, and ushered me inside. "We hired him sometime last year after you left. You'll meet him one of these times."

I nodded in reply, a mischievous smirk on my lips, and asked, "Is he hot?"

Beckett stumbled on the porch steps, eventually gaining his balance before glancing at me with a curious look. He stammered, "W-What do you mean, exactly?"

I repeated with a deadpanned look, "Is the new guy hot?"

"Well, he's not exactly my type, but he is attractive," Beckett answered with a pained expression, his hand on the door handle. "Don't date him, Cassie."

"I'm not going to date him," I muttered to myself.

Beckett pushed the front door open, and immediately my parents and Gus rushed to hug me. I never did realize how much I missed my family and everyone who felt like family until I had everyone hug me all at once.

Once everyone stopped hugging me, Beckett immediately left the house to get my suitcases while Mom gave me the dinner from earlier, and Dad sat across from me at the dinner table. Before I could take one bite, someone came down the stairs, his wet hair curling against his forehead as he casually walked over to the kitchen.

If he was Houston, then my brother may need a new pair of eyes because he was very hot.

However, I couldn't ogle anymore at this man in my kitchen when Dad started a conversation. He asked, grabbing my attention, "So Cassidy, how's school? You only have one year left."

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