Midseason Author's Note

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For seven years, I've been writing of the characters in Fear Games

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For seven years, I've been writing of the characters in Fear Games. For many years before that, Fear Games was simply a vision that hadn't come to light yet. What went from being only one season has turned into SIX, and I've felt so blessed to write this fun, thrilling ride.

However, in six episodes, it will be time to say goodbye to this world for good.

I have been holding this finale inside for so long, and as we near it, I'm starting to get a little sad. But there's also excitement knowing that in six episodes, you will know everything I do. When I originally ended the series back in Season Three, I left a cliffhanger ending because I was positive that one day I would return to this world. I am sad to say that after Season Six, Fear Games WILL be over...permanently.

But this time you will get to see exactly how I wanted it to end, with no loose ends and characters in their retrospective places. There's also one thing that I am planning for the finale that I'm REALLY curious to see reader response to - it's something REALLY big. You'll know it when you get there.

As we enter the final six episodes, I just hope that you readers have enjoyed this ride as much as I have. I look forward to sharing the ending with you soon. Stay tuned. 

Love always,

Alec John Belle

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