2. Chaos Among Us

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"Who do you think would be sending this?" Eden asked. Shortly after school, I went to her house, knowing that she was the only person I could trust with this. She was the only person who would take me seriously enough. When I showed her the text, she seemed just as scared as I felt.

"I have no idea," I said. "It's terrifying, that's for sure. You don't really think they could be serious, right?"

Eden was already at her laptop typing away diligently.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to make sure of something," she said. Once she found what she was looking for, she said, "Yep, I was right. Ryan, the Fear Games killer, assumed his brother's identity while playing the Games. Basically tricked them all into thinking that Noah was actually alive."

"So...someone else is taking on Noah's identity," I said. "That's just great. Looks like there's a copycat."

"We should go to the police," Eden said. "And I mean right now. If someone else is starting Fear Games again, that means that none of us might be safe. They could slaughter half the freaking town for all we know."

"Thanks, Eden, I wasn't already horrified enough," I said sarcastically. "What's even worse is that Rachel was the center of Fear Games. All of her friends died."

Eden nodded. We both knew what that meant. It was possible she could die. Or Clary or Brandon or Haven, or heck, even Matt for being associated with me.

A moment later my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see that I had a text from the same number.

"Is it--"

"Yes," I said. "It is."

Play the game my way or it'll end in a bloodbath. There's a lot you need to know. No police.

"Are you really going to believe them?" Eden asked. "I mean, they're likely going to kill people anyway. I still think going to the police is a good idea."

But that wasn't what I was worried about. "Shhhh," I said, listening. "Are we home alone?"

"Yeah, my parents are out," she said. "Why?"

"The text," I whispered. "They knew what we were just talking about."

Eden's eyes went wide, her face hard as stone. "You don't think--"

I walked over to Eden's door, which was opened just a tad. I peeked out and gasped when I saw shadow running down the stairs. I threw open the door and shouted at them, but before I even got the chance to, they were gone.

"What the hell!" Eden shouted. "Were they just in here?"

My phone buzzed again.

Nice try, but you can't catch me that easy.

"Dammit!" I screamed.

"Josh, they were just in my house!" Eden said. "They must have followed you."

"Or they followed you," I said. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to keep calm. An idea struck me just then. "Rachel's still alive, right?"

"Yes, as far as I know of," Eden said. "I've never really paid too much attention to it."

"We need to find her," I said. "And fast."


One Year Ago

Back at home, I threw myself onto my bed with all the lights off. For some reason, I couldn't erase the memory of Damien's picture from my mind. What the heck was wrong with me? Why was I so focused on him when I also saw a picture of our hot girl friend?

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