9. The Final Game

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When my eyes fluttered open, I expected to be in the basement with my friends. That was not at all what I got. The room I was in was fairly dark and it felt as if I was lacking in the oxygen department. I started to sit up but realized that I couldn't. I could only lay on my back, and possibly turn over on my stomach if I tried hard enough.

It was then that I realized I was in some sort of glass casing. As my eyes adjusted to what I was seeing, I screamed.

Spiders. Spiders were everywhere. All over the outside of the case, crawling around. They were piled on top of one another, crawling around, and I couldn't stop my screams. Over and over until my throat started to hurt. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. They were everywhere.

"Oh my God, oh my God, please make it go away!" I screamed. "Stop it, please!" 

My hands started reaching for something--anything that could help me get out. That's when I found the envelope. On the outside, my name was written, and I quickly opened it, trying my best not to have a severe panic attack.

Inside there were two things. A key and a note. I unfolded the note and started to read.

Dear Josh,

The Final Game has begun. There's still a lot for you to learn, but first, let's see if you're even worthy of the truth. You are obviously trapped inside of a glass case, and on the outside are thousands of dock spiders. They're not entirely harmful, but they sure are ugly, aren't they?

I know you have arachnophobia, and I also know that this choice will be very hard for you. The case you are in is quickly losing oxygen, and you now have two options: You can stay in the case and suffocate to death, or you can finally face your fears, prove your worthiness, and open the case. The only problem with opening the case is that only a small portion does. Big enough for you to get through. They case also opens inward, which means that when you do, not only will it be hard to get out, spiders will pour into the case, likely covering every inch of your body.

Is knowing the truth worth the risk? 

The Fear Games are on.



"Rachel, we have to stay calm about this," Eden said. "School is getting ready to start. Teachers will be here in just a few hours."

I didn't care. None of it mattered to me. I wouldn't let this happen again. There was no way I could live with myself if every single person from this group died except for me. This killer wanted a reaction from me, and they sure as hell were gonna get it.

"We're going," I said, grabbing my gun from my bag in the corner of the room. "Either you're all coming with me, or you're staying here."

"Of course we're coming," Leslie said. "I need to avenge Luke's death, just like we all need to avenge Brandon's. But listen, barging in wherever isn't a good idea."

I turned to Miranda. "You know where the place they kept Eden is, right?"

She nodded. "I'll lead us there."

"Mom!" Eden shouted. "Are you out of your mind? We have to think rationally about this. Come up with a plan."

Miranda turned toward her daughter. "Eden, listen to me. My entire life, I felt worthless. Hopeless. Like I'd never get the chance to do anything good. I have to do this. I have to keep you safe. I'm part of the Masquerades now, and you know deep down that you are, too. We're all in this together, and we're all coming out alive. Do you understand?"

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