the calypso

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Sometimes, I wonder about what my life would've been like had I not been onboard the Celestial, if I hadn't been forced to leave my homeland behind with the promise that everything would be alright and normal when it clearly wouldn't be at any point in time and space.

If the words "normal" and "alright" even existed anymore.

As ironic as it felt, those words seemed outdated.

Lost in the vastness of the evolving world and society.

They felt….Abnormal to use anymore.

But perhaps, that was just my strange brain thinking again.

Maybe the lack of oxygen was getting to me again, maybe it was making me say strange things and do things that I wouldn't have normally done.

Like, say, sneak onboard an old, outdated and old fashioned spaceship with the hopes of either hiding out until I was inevitably captured and probably sentenced to a painful albeit brief death by being Casted Out or until I managed to somehow, by the grace of God or something, escape the Celestial and head back down to Earth, using said ship to navigate alongside the stars.

And although I planned for the latter to happen, I was afraid that the first option would be the only option that would soon take place because it appears that I wasn't as sneaky or inconspicuous as I thought that I was.

Because if I had been a bit more sneaky, I definitely wouldn't have gotten caught sneaking into the cargo bay earlier and I wouldn't have been trying to weigh the pros and cons of getting caught by Commander Ophelia and her squadron of mindless drones.

And I'll be honest, I couldn't exactly find many cons to this situation when I compared it to the pros.

Yeah, I'd probably face hearing a lecture about how I broke fifty two million different international space laws and I'd probably suffer a terrible fate when I would get Casted Out but hey, was that really the worst of my problems?

I mean, sure, I'd face a horrible death but then it would be over in less than half a second and of course, I'd be reunited with Mama and Collette in Heaven when they did eventually pass away so really, what con was there to this predicament?

Well, let's see, you wouldn't exactly be alive and well to try and find Mama and this whole extravagant, law breaking, daring trip would've been for nothing plus Collette probably wouldn't ever forgive you for it if you did get Casted Out like a weak ass pussy and you didn't even try to fight back.

Now, when I really thought long and hard about it, that seemed like a bit of a con to me, to know that Collette would have to go through the rest of her life knowing that her sister tried something dangerous and she couldn't follow through with it, like Collette always said I would do.

That thought made my jaw clench up and my fists tightened with determination, I was going to prove her wrong when I brought Mama back to the Celestial.

My sister would realize that I was right all along and we'd be a happy family once again.

And if only I could figure out how to work this spaceship, we'd be all set.

After I ducked inside this old, semi dilapidated spacecraft, I could only hold my breath as I waited in the silence and the darkness felt both awkward and a bit consuming as well.

The sirens going off on the speakers outside the metal walls of the spaceship were heart stopping and almost deafening but the darkness helped to cut down on some of the noise, to muffle some of the distractions that were visibly and mentally plaguing my mind.

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