ophelia ❌

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Content Warning: Some explicit language and mature content, viewer discretion is advised.

*Third POV*

"What do you mean, you can't find them? Are you blind, deaf, dumb or just plain incompetent, lieutenant?! I said, find them!"

Commander Ophelia berated the younger lieutenant, a girl who was barely out of the space academy back on one of the many Stations that orbited the Galaxy who went by the name of Sable, and the young space cadet practically quivered in fear of the older Commander.

How was she to know that the Commander was as angered as a disturbed field of asteroids?

How was Sable to know that the Commander was on high alert, more high strung then anyone alive has ever seen her?

But even though she wasn't nearly as experienced with human contact and the intangible lines that connect humans to their certain emotions then some of her more advanced fellow intellectuals, the young cadet was not as dumb as some would prefer to think.

Lieutenant Sable was a young mind in an even younger female body but that did not mean she was any less important than some of the older workers upon the Celestial.

Sable, as socially and emotionally stunted as she was compared to her fellow co-workers, viewed herself as hardworking.



She thought she was the perfect candidate for working beneath the Commander, she thought she could handle the intense pressure that was placed upon her shoulders just as she had handled many of her friends and family members passing on from their earthly time and moving onto the more eternal plane of existence, something that Sable had become quite familiar with before she boarded the Celestial as a young, naive child.

Now after many years, a much older and a hair bit wiser Lieutenant Sable could handle witnessing the remarks of death easily, as if she had been the spawn of Death himself.

But what she couldn't handle was Commander Ophelia screaming and cursing at her when all she was trying to do was her damn job.

"Commander, as I told you before, the locating device tracker was outdated and the perimeter for relocating the Calypso could only extend so far. We lost any confirmed visual of the Calypso after our jets tried to disarm the ship. I can try to–"

Sable began to explain her process of elimination on where exactly the Calypso could be located but the Commander cut her off with a steel glare and a raised eyebrow.

Commander Ophelia was demanding, feared and at best, respected.

She was a headstrong woman, more so than anyone else Sable had been in contact with over the years, but the young woman never feared someone as much as she did when it came to the Commander.

She had never met someone with such repressed emotions, it was almost as if the Commander herself was void of any sort of feelings beyond the constant need to struggle for power amongst her fellow male counterparts.

Sometimes, Sable would wonder if the Commander was even human but she knew that fact to be more along the lines of fiction, a piece of gossip whispered amongst the groups of younger girls, cliches that Sable had never been a part of.

Perhaps that was why she resonated so well with the position she had been given and the task she had been assigned to as of recently.

She had heard of a worker named Minerva for quite some time but she never bothered to think too highly of the worker, she knew that anyone worthy of the Commander's fury was to be avoided, not seen with.

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