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"Really? Not another goddamn problem! Can't a girl catch a break around here?!"

I shouted up to the heavens as if they could hear me beyond the overpowering emptiness that was space.

I mean, if I really thought about it, that amount of space is almost suffocating to a certain extent, right?

Like, no human should have the power to explore as much as we have and yet, despite all that humans accomplished before the world, ya know, went right down the metaphorical toilet, we were still greedy for more.

Always wanting more and more.

Humans as a species were never satisfied with what they had in their hands or before their very eyes.

They always wanted more, their greediness and selfishness always got the better of them until it ruined everything that they had that was good in their lives.

Because that's what we were programmed to do.

We were built for the sole purpose to do only what needed to be done, what was necessary for our survival and instead of using that strength and power to better ourselves and the world community, we turned on one another quicker than a group of rabid mice all trying to fight to the death for the cheese.

We used one another, blamed each other for our problems and never once took responsibility for our own misdoings until the time came when we could no longer ignore the blinding truth that was right in front of our faces.

The truth being that no matter how quickly we tried to act, we were already too late when it came to saving our planet.

We destroyed our planet ourselves and even then, nobody would own up to that fact of reality.

We denied it for as long as possible until we couldn't deny it anymore and then, only some of us could escape it.

And outrunning it was nearly impossible because no matter where you go or where you stay, Mother Nature always has a way of finding you, of hunting you down like a predator just waiting for the prime opportunity to pounce on its defenseless, injured prey.

But I was getting a little bit sidetracked here so maybe I should just focus on the matter at hand, getting that fucking alarm to turn off before I literally opened the airlock and allowed myself to be Casted Out from pure frustration.

Grumbling with annoyance as I had to, once again, climb back over the storage containers to get back to the cockpit as it was surely starting to become a pesky and painful task, I nearly took my knee out a couple of times on some of those containers.

Whoever made those containers oughta get a medal of honor or something expensive like that because these things are fucking indestructible by now, who knows how many times I've banged my legs on them, I'm pretty sure I'm going to have several fractures in my shins and maybe a few broken toes when I do eventually get another medical exam whether that be on Earth or the Celestial again.

"Ugh, just shut up already! Jesus fucking Christ…."

I said through gritted teeth with annoyance seeping into the darkening tone of my voice, my butt finally and blissfully plopping down in the Captain's chair as I took one whole second to breathe and center myself before I got down to the root of the problem.

Visually scanning over the control panel, I frowned as I recognized that one of the buttons that controlled the engine turbines was flashing red.

And I found it to be a bit strange because I had literally just fixed one of the turbines so I couldn't understand why the ship was insisting that there was still a malfunctioning issue going on here.

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