Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Candor

    Weijiao Newspaper has always maintained the style of telling the truth and telling the truth. Most of the articles published in the newspaper are also used to tell the big truth with real examples.

    However, in spite of the prevailing slogan articles, the Weijiao Newspaper has slowly withdrawn from people's lives because of its adherence to the style.

    Other newspapers are also emerging. The content of the newspapers they publish is more attractive, which can catch the eye in an instant, and many people turn to their newspapers.

    Until now, who are still reading the newspapers of the Weijiao Newspaper? Or are they old readers who have come down for so many years? It is a pity that they have no taste for food, and their family background is not bad. Zuo is only a dime a newspaper. Just bought it.

    There are also many senior teachers in schools who also like the style of Weijiao Newspaper. They have been teaching and educating people for many years, and they hope that their students, the pillars of the future of the country, can be down-to-earth and earnestly improve their talents and skills. ,? Dedicate their strength in the future.

    The writing style of the Micro Corner Newspaper Office, those articles that use examples to prove their views and appeal to the people of the moment, some teachers will buy them, and put them back in the class, and interested students can also read them. Like this time, the story of Comrade Xiangyang became popular, and the Weijiao Newspaper became popular again. The original reason also came from this.

    Mr. Wang from a local middle school has been a loyal fan of Weijiao Newspaper for so many years. After reading the newspapers of this newspaper for so many years, he has always felt that the content is very meaningful. supported.

    Mr. Wang noticed this new author when he first published Comrade Xiang Yang's article from the Weijiao Newspaper. Although the wording of the article was not excellent, it was fluent and catchy to read.

    The most important thing is that the content contained in this article has a detailed analysis of the youth's current confusion and future plans. The final conclusion is also in line with mainstream thinking, striving to improve, and dedicating yourself.

    Rao is a middle-aged man like Teacher Wang. He is used to reading various literati books, and his mind has already experienced countless clean thoughts. After reading this article, he couldn't help but be a little excited and full of energy. He has a good relationship with the students, and usually likes to take the newspapers he bought and put them in the class so that they can read them when they have nothing to do.

    This time it was also a coincidence. First, after a few students who loved reading and reading newspapers, they couldn't calm down for a long time. They couldn't help but talk to the people around them about their thoughts. The fighting spirit and drive of the young people were stimulated, and they just wanted to devote themselves to practice immediately. Dedicate yourself.

    Others were interested in this article after hearing it, and they couldn't help but read the article that was said to be "magic", which was very exciting.

    When Mr. Wang came back to class, he only felt strange. The students who usually take classes seriously are fine. Why are those students who are a little depressed in this messing around with their backs straight and listening to his lectures, with clear eyes shining like a It was a torch that had been lit and was trying to burn.

    After he inquired privately, he realized that it was the article from the Weijiao Newspaper. It is useless to explain that he is sincere and sincere. An excellent and infuriating article has such a great effect. Teacher Wang finds it both amusing and gratified. That's right, this kind of article is beneficial to society.

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