Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 Examination Storm (1)

    "Ding bell! Ding bell!" The bell rang after class, and Xu Wanxiu got up from her chair and walked back to the center of the podium, looking around at the movement under the stage, she said loudly, "It's time, Everyone, please stop,? The students in the last row put away their papers."

    The students in the last row of each group put down their papers reluctantly, stood up and started to collect the papers from the back to the front, where they passed by the students. A howling.

    "Ah, the paper is closed so quickly, and I still have one question to write?"

    "This paper feels really difficult, shouldn't Teacher Xu lie to us?"

    "I do my homework seriously every day, why? Still don't know how to do these questions?"

    Xu Wanxiu listened to these words from above, and couldn't help but feel a little colder. She never thought that such words of complaining about the difficulty of the exam would appear on the fifth grade children. Even the fifth grade is already the highest grade in this school.

    The six classmates collected the papers and handed them to Xu Wanxiu. After she thanked them, she integrated the six stacks of papers into a large stack, and after they were erected and patted neatly, they were placed on the podium.

    She looked at the students who were still excited below, and said with a smile, "Okay everyone, be quiet. The teacher will try to correct all the papers before class tomorrow. Everyone should also pack up their moods," she said. There will be exams later."

    This made the classmates in the audience howled even more, Teacher Xu shook his head in a funny way, let them release their emotions and relax, then he took up the big pile of papers and walked out of the classroom , go to the office.

    When she walked to the office, she happened to bump into Qian Yuehua walking out of the office with the papers in hand. The two nodded and smiled. Xu Wanxiu didn't know how to describe her expression, it was the kind of hopeless.

    Only Xu Hongying was left in the office. After Xu Wanxiu greeted her, she walked back to her desk and sat down, putting the papers aside. Although anxious to know how these children did in the exam, Xu Wanxiu didn't plan to change the papers now.

    She was about to take out the pen and paper in the cabinet under the desk to write the manuscript first, when she heard Xu Hongying lift up from the pile of homework books and ask, "Wanxiu, let me tell you, these children are really good at the exam. It's shocking. Everything on this paper is what I've said before, why can't I do it when I get to the exam?"

    Xu Hongying said so, but she simply felt that these children were too bad in the exam. I didn't say much, after all, Zhou Yunshan was teaching the children's language in this class before. And Xu Wanxiu and Zhou Yunshan were on good terms, so she naturally wouldn't say something unflattering.

    However, she still asked curiously, "Wanxiu, did you correct the papers? How did these children do in mathematics?" Xu Hongying wanted to know if the fifth-grade students were only not interested in Chinese and did not study well, or did they say all subjects Neither learn well.

    With Xu Hongying's temperament, she had already discussed this with Qian Yuehua after she took the test paper back to the office to change it. It was no wonder that Qian Yuehua had no love when she went to the classroom with the test paper. Xu Wanxiu said with a smile, "I haven't started revising

    the papers yet. I'm thinking of revising them when I get home. I'll write the lesson plans first." The learning situation of the next fifth grade, think about what can be improved." After thinking about it, Xu Wanxiu added.

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