Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

    Although it was said that the younger sister had written to explain it before, she said that it was not used to pick up people at the train station. But Xu Wansong thought about it at home, but still felt bad, he asked his daughter-in-law, "Xiaoping, do you think I should go to the train station tomorrow and wait for someone?"

    Li Xiaoping got along with him anyway. After so many years, can she still not understand her own man? This day, the frowning face has not stopped.

    After messing around for a long time, it turned out to be for this matter, she smiled and said indifferently, "Dad, the child, if you want to go, go, anyway, the little sister brings the child back, there must be a lot of things, it is good for you to help carry some. "

    Only those who have given birth and brought children can understand that Li Xiaoping has never taken her children far away, but if she does this, she will definitely bring a lot of miscellaneous things to the children. The sister-in-law must be like this, whether my man goes there, how much can I help you with something.

    "Hey, what the fuck you said really makes sense? Then I'll wait at the train station tomorrow." Xu Wansong nodded and smiled after hearing this, because he worked in the fields all the year round and tanned it into charcoal. face smiling naively.

    Li Xiaoping pretended to swear when she heard it, "You obviously have thought about it yourself, and you have to say something that I agree with."

    "Hey,? I'm listening to your opinion." Xu Wansong scratched his head and said with a smile .

    After lunch the next day, Xu Wansong didn't even take a break. After talking to Li Xiaoping, he was ready to go out. Seeing that Daddy was going to go out again, the little boy Xu Yuenlang rushed up and grabbed his trousers. He raised his head and shouted, "Where are you going, Daddy? Take me with you.

    " Keep talking when you catch someone. At this moment, seeing Xu Wansong going out again, he was also reluctant.

    Xu Wansong stopped, he picked up his little son, who was only taller than his knees, and said with a smile, "Xiao Lang is at home, your brother and your mother are here, you can play with them. Daddy is going out to help my aunt get something, so I can't take you there."

    Xu Yuen Lang's little boy can generally understand what his father said. He pursed his mouth and felt wronged, but he had to nod obediently and say, "Well, dad, come back early, I'll wait for you at home."

    "Oh, Xiao Lang is really good. ." Xu Wansong reached out and stroked the little guy's soft hair to reassure him, he put the little son back on the ground, and after saying goodbye repeatedly, he walked out of the door quickly.

    The train station is quite far from here. He has to go to the county seat first, and then walk some distance to get there. According to past habits, Xu Wansong could probably guess the approximate time when the younger sister's family arrived at the station.

    Fortunately, there was still time. Xu Wansong waited at the station where he was waiting to pick up Xu's mother last time. He was even breathing heavily, and his mouth was dry at the moment. He didn't bring water when he came out, and he was reluctant to spend money to buy a bottle of water, so he had to endure and wait there.

    Another train arrived at the station, Xu Wansong looked up subconsciously, his eyes fixed on the train exit station, for fear of missing someone in a blink of an eye. Soon he saw a slender woman come out with her child in her arms, followed by a man and an old woman, all carrying packages in both hands.

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