016 :: I BELIEVE.

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JENNIE AND SPENCER sat around Emily's desk with the woman, their focus on the closed blinds in Aaron Hotchner's office, which held him, JJ, and Strauss. Jennie was in the middle of taking a bite from her sandwich, when Penelope walked up to them.

"JJ's still in there?"

"And Strauss."

Spencer reached over to grab his Antacid tablets, causing Emily to look at him, groaning.

"Again with the dairy?"

The man shrugged, "Can't help it, I love dairy."

"Yeah, and I love crime. Doesn't mean I'm gonna murder someone." Jennie told the man, before pausing for a second, taking a bite of her sandwich, "Remember what happened last time you drank milk? Your stomach kept growling, I thought there was a war going on in there."

"Hey, you know, you can't be talking, missy. You're allergic to peanuts—" Penelope pointed a finger at the girl, "And what kind of sandwich is that again?"

Emily let out a tsk, having told her to stop eating peanut butter sandwiches a while ago, taking the food from her hands, "Give me that."

Penelope kept her eyes on the room, staying on the conversation topic, "It's been like what, 20 minutes?"

Morgan walked up to the group, "Ten more minutes, and we're in the air."

"I don't think it's about the case."

As Emily sighed, both Penelope and Jennie looked at the brunette woman, then at each other, then back at her, furrowing their eyebrows.

"Do you know something?" Jennie asked her.

Emily looked at the teen, "Do I know something?"

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