5. Nine Months?

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You walk out of the bathroom and just look at Ransom silently, not knowing how to feel. You do your best to keep your face devoid of any emotion. He quickly walks over to you, anxious to know the results. You simply nod and let out a shaky breath, feeling overwhelmed.

He smiles slightly and cups your cheeks, resting his forehead against yours. "Talk to me, Y/n. What do you want to do?" he asks gently.

You close your eyes and remain quiet for a moment. "I really don't know. I never seriously thought about having a kid, I figured it was far enough down the line that I didn't have to worry about it. I mean, yeah, I figured we'd have a family together someday, but..." you trail off slightly.

Ransom runs his thumbs over your cheeks. "But I might not be around for a while," he finishes for you. You nod slightly. A silence falls over the both of you as you just stand there.

"Nine months, right?" you finally break the silence and open your eyes, looking at Ransom.


"We'd have a baby in nine months. I think I can handle that. If not, I'm saying it's your fault," you break the slight tension in the air, earning a relieved chuckle from Ransom.

"That's fair," Ransom concedes.

"Good. Then it's settled, nine months until parenthood."

"Nine months," he repeats and kisses you with pure love and joy.


Ransom sits with you in an empty room at the station that Elliott and Wagner let you use. You were looking through anything they had on the teens that had been killed. You flip through the police report of the murder. Ransom is reading through any statements given by family and friends, trying to find motive or a suspect.

You stare blankly at the paper in front of you, not processing any of the words. You absentmindedly bite your lip slightly, distracted by some thoughts that had been circling around your head for a few days.

Ransom looks over the top of his papers at you, moving only his eyes and keeping his head stationary. He notices your nervous habit and puts his papers on the table in front of you. "We should talk about it," he offers and gently taps your leg with his foot.

You snap out of your thoughts and look over at him. "Pardon?"

"Something's bothering you. Better out than in, come on, spill."

You hesitate slightly, but know he's right, "How do we tell my dad?"

"Well, Hallmark has some nice cards-"

You kick his leg and glare at him, trying to avoid the smile creeping onto your lips. He does always know how to make you smile. "I'm serious."

"Me too! What problem can a nice Hallmark card not fix?"

"Oh, is that how you're going to win your trial? Get the judge a nice card? 'After the rain, comes a rainbow. Sorry I attempted to commit murder! Deepest apologies, Hugh Ransom Drysdale'."

"Do you think that would work? No one has ever tried, we don't know that it won't work."

"Why am I marrying you again?"

"Because you love me and Dodger can't come from a broken family."

"Low blow, Drysdale."

"It's pronounced 'well played', Blanc."

You chuckle lightly. Since you and your father had made up, you started going by Y/n Blanc again. You still haven't quite decided if you want to switch to Drysdale officially when you're married. Not exactly a family name you'd want to carry on. Ransom could definitely agree with that.

"Y/n, he's your dad. It'll be ok. When you're ready, you can visit him, we can visit him, you can call him, whatever you want. I'm here for you."

You hum lightly in agreement and watch Ransom softly as he speaks. "That's why," you state lightly.


"That's why I'm marrying you. As much as you like to hide it, you care about others. You always know how to make me feel better. You're just secretly a softie."

"Your softie, just don't go telling the whole world, darling."

"Never, it's our secret," you smile.

Umm hi... yeah, bet you didn't see this coming but I'm back and finishing the story if anyone is still interested after like over 2 years-
Short chapter today but hey, better than nothing
To be clear, the pregnancy/baby isn't gonna really be a big part of the story from here on out if that isn't your thing

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