2. Restless

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"Ransom? What the hell? How are you here?" you stand up and look over at him, resting your right hand against the counter.

"My father paid bail, it's not that complicated," he shrugs.

Dodger runs over to him happily, easily recognizing Ransom's voice. Ransom smiles slightly and kneels down and pets Dodger, scratching behind his ears gently. You watch, trying to comprehend everything and quickly trying to sort out all your feelings.

"So you're on house arrest?"

"No, I just have to show up for the trial. Apparently I 'don't pose a significant flight risk'," he repeats the phrase he's clearly heard before, using air quotes.

"So why are you here?"

Ransom glances over and stares at you for a second. You can see in his eyes that the question hurt him slightly, not that you intended it to.

"Why am I at our house? I don't know, maybe to see my fiancée before I end up in jail for fifteen years?"

"That's the penalty?"

"Second degree attempted murder is five to fifteen years, Y/n," you stay silent and don't look at him as he speaks, "Y/n?" Ransom notices your face suddenly looking slightly pale.

"I feel sick," you mutter, quickly turning and making your way to the nearest bathroom. Ransom rushes after you and holds your hair back and out of your way as you get sick.

"I didn't know seeing me would make you sick, I just thought you'd yell at me for a bit," Ransom chuckles lightly, trying to lighten the mood.

You shake your head slightly. "Stomach flu or something," you mutter, just loud enough for him to hear.

His smile drops slightly as he realizes you're not in the mood to be cheered up. "You were fine earlier, I don't think sudden nausea is a stomach flu."

"I said 'or something' so I guess it's the 'something' then," you shrug slightly. Ransom grabs a damp washcloth to clean your mouth. You reach over to take it, but he lifts it, holding it just out of your reach.

"I have to prove I'm not a total ass, don't I?" Ransom kneels down and gently turns you by your shoulders, making you face him. He cleans off your mouth as his eyes dart around your face, taking in every detail again. He tosses the washcloth in the sink once he finishes, to be dealt with later.

"Why?" you look up, making eye contact with Ransom.

"Why do I have to prove I'm not an ass?"

"No, why did you... ya know... kill him... try to."

Ransom sighs and doesn't look away from you even for a second as if he's scared you'll disappear. "I was high and upset and wasn't considering what I was actually doing. I just acted out, it's not like I planned it in advance. That would make for some much worse charges."

"Charges? That's what you're concerned about? Not the fact that you're an attempted murderer? That you wanted to kill your own family? What if it happens again? What if you decide that I'm next? What then?"

"No, Y/n I didn't mean that, I'd never hurt you-"
You shake your head and just walk out of the bathroom before he can finish.


You lay with your back to Ransom as he sleeps that night. You're just not feeling tired. Part of you feels unsettled having your back to Ransom, now knowing what he's capable of. The other part doesn't want to face him because you just don't want to face the reality of it all. No matter what he's done, you can't help but love him. And you're just going to lose him for probably 15 years. You sigh lightly and decide you're uncomfortable so you roll to your other side, now facing Ransom.

You just watch him sleep peacefully. He seems so gentle and harmless like this. Maybe he isn't all bad. Maybe you could forgive him. Maybe, just maybe, you'll still marry him.

You'll have to revisit that idea another time. Your eyes slowly close as you drift off into a dreamless sleep.


In the morning, you're sitting on the couch with Dodger next to you. You have the news on in the background as you flip through a book you've been reading for a few days. You don't pay much attention as Ransom sits next to you, placing two mugs on the table in front of you both.

"I thought you might want to relax, so here's your (coffee/tea/hot drink of your choice), and I'll make breakfast when you're hungry," Ransom speaks softly, really trying to get you to talk to him. You appreciate the effort, you're just not sure how you should handle all of this.

"Thanks," you reply quietly without looking at him.

Just before Ransom can speak again, your attention is drawn to the news story. A boy and girl in their late teens were killed in a parked car. Both shot. Tragic, but that's not what grabbed your attention.

"Investigators believe these murders may be linked to the unsolved murder of-"

You had wanted to let it go, you deserve a break after all. Just some rest for once. Ransom looks over at you, "Isn't that...?"

"My mother? Yes..."

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