3. Circle With A Cross

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"Excuse my language, but what the actual fuck?" you stand in front of Lieutenant Elliott's desk very peeved.

"I don't think 'excuse my language' counts if you follow it with-" Trooper Wagner tries to add from his chair in the office before being silenced with a dismissive wave of your hand. Apparently you're scary when you get really mad, a factor that has certainly been used to your advantage.

"Y/n, it's a sensitive case, we don't know if this is anything yet or not. We're just following some leads and trying to solve this case, we haven't followed up on the idea that it's connected to your mother's case," Elliott responds calmly.

"Ok, then I'll look into it."

"Y/n, I really think you should just step back and let the police handle this."

"No, I'll take the case as a private investigator. If my father could solve Harlan's suicide, I can at least try to solve this." You continue snapping at Elliott.

"Yeah, so how's that going for you? Still getting mad at people and trying to kill them?" Wagner jokes, looking at Ransom who's just awkwardly leaning against the doorway like a child that was dragged to their parent's office party.

Ransom looks over at him and keeps his face emotionless, deciding to mess with him. "It varies from moment to moment," Ransom states.

Wagner looks slightly horrified, thinking Ransom is serious. Ransom smirks slightly as you look over, noticing the sudden unusual silence from Wagner.

"Ransom, be nice," you give him a slightly exhausted look.

"What? It was a good joke," he defends himself. You just sigh and turn back to Lieutenant Elliott.

"Please just help me, I want to solve this as much as you do. Just keep me in the loop, let me know if there's anything new and I'll share anything I find."

The lieutenant sighs and nods, "But if I get in trouble, this was your idea."



You sit on the couch, looking through the notes Elliott gave you on the case. Ransom is sitting next to you, watching you silently because he knows you don't like to be interrupted when you get focused. You glance over at him, feeling his gaze on the side of your face. You can't stop a slight blush from spreading across your cheeks.

"You want to know what's here, don't you?" you ask, knowing that Ransom just knows not to distract you. He nods and smiles slightly, proud that you know what he wants from a look.

You look back down at the notes. "Well, it was two teenagers... they were in a parked car, no one was around so they were probably there to... ya know.... anyways. The female was in the front seat, shot by a 9mm Luger apparently, the male was outside the car, probably trying to get help, but he was found dead, shot by the same gun," you clear your throat slightly as the reality of the horrible situation sinks in. "A man called the Police Department and told them about the murder, claiming that it was him... and... that he was the one that killed my mother as well... they uh... couldn't track the call, so it could be fake."

Ransom rubs your back gently. You lean into his side slightly, just in need of comfort. Everything he's done wrong just seems to slowly be slipping away from your mind in this moment. You just think back to all the good times you've had and how desperately you want them back. Just you and him together without the fear of him being taken from you for years.

"What are your theories?" he asks quietly, not wanting to press you when you're emotional, but unable to subdue his curiosity.

"Well... if the call was real, he's killed three people with about 18 years between... not unreasonable if he's older, maybe 40s. It doesn't seem like there's an obvious personal connection between the caller and any of the victims, so my guess would be a serial killer... there will probably be more cases popping up."

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