𝓡𝓪𝓬𝓮! Camilo x Reader

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This was requested by: Anonymus

This person gave me a character to write about and nothing more.

This one-shot was inspired by the way the Prophet (S.A.W) was with his wives.

I should probably add that the characters are aged up to be adults at least so I don't get canceled for having a 15-year-old fictional character be married. Also, The fact that this character who is canonly not a Muslim is a Muslim in this fiction story.


Second P.O.V!

Being married to someone like Camilo Madrigal can either sometimes be a mess or fun.

Thankfully it mostly has been fun, you both have accepted your flaws and tried to help improve each other.

Today Camilo had an idea to spend time with you. He of course wouldn't bother his wife with it early in the morning but waited a bit throughout the day.

At some point Camilo and you sat outside doing nothing but enjoying each other's company, he saw this as the perfect time to be playful with you.

He came closer to you. "Hermosa!! I have an awesome idea." He spoke, and you turned your head towards him with a curious look graced on your face. "Hm? What is it Hermoso?" You asked seeing his grin on his face you thought he would tease you a bit for fun which you didn't pay much mind to normally.

"Let's race!" He suggested, now your full attention was on him. You raised your eyebrow "Really?" You asked.  

"Yeah, I bet I'm faster than you!" He confidently said, you chuckled before nodding your head. "Alright, I'll race you." You said.





"Alright, I'll count down." Camilo had said, you two were ready to race each other and see who can reach the other end first. "tres dos uno!" He said loudly and before you knew it both of you were speeding down trying to outrun the other.

You had gone faster than usual and reached the other end before Camilo could, once Camilo was right where you are he playfully groaned, "Aww you won!" You went to him and kissed his cheek smiling none stop.

"I swear by Allah I love you."

The Prophet was fun with his wives

Aisha reported: She was with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, while on a journey. Aisha said, "I raced him on foot and I outran him, but when I gained some weight, I raced him again and he outran me. The Prophet said: This is for that race."

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 2578

Ibn Kathir said, "It was the character of the Prophet to live beautifully with his wives, being cheerful and kind to them, generously spending on them, and laughing with them."

Source: Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr 4:19

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