♥ Bath time! ♥ Nishinoya x reader.

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So IM NOT DEAD and I would rather not go into an explanation on why this book has not been updated for such a long time but I do apologize for not updating it for a while now.

This Nishinoya x reader is one I had got requested before I was even able to publish the Camilo one. They sent me this request in messages very specifically.

Alright, hope you'll enjoy this, if you have a request to set a Muslim reader in a fictional world or with a fictional character then let me know and I'll write it!



It has been a long day for you and now that you can just lay on the couch while waiting for your husband to come back home was just what you needed.

While sitting down you also sometimes thought about how much fun it would be to be able to play Volleyball with your Beloved, you were also someone into it once before but it would be fun to be able to play it together.

You let out a sigh legs and arms stretched on the couch, it hasn't been even a year since you two got married so there were still a lot of things you guys could do so you mentally added playing Volleyball together to your list.

"Dāāāāāāāāāāāārin! Tadaima! (I'm home)" You heard a loud noise coming from the front home, you must have been too deep into thought to not be able to hear the door open. With a smile, you got up and made your way towards the front door.

As you did the boy practically almost jumped on you from pure excitement. You hugged him tight as he was breathing in your scent. You giggled at his antic and heard him mutter a salam.

"Wa ʿalaykumu s-salam. Did you miss me that much?" You softly asked. "If I have?! I've been dying to see you all day! Sorry about your shirt by the way..." He said. You looked at your shirt pulling away from the hug to see it all muddy, you then got a proper look and saw that Yū had dirt and mud on him and his clothes.

"Daijōbudayo (It's okay). What did you do to get dirty anyways?" You asked, even though Yū had grown up he still manages to do some crazy things. Yū awkwardly scratched his head. "Um...So...I kinda...today our coach decided to make us warm up in the forrest near the Yamaki store and you know how muddy it gets after a rainy day I'm not sure why out in a forrest though." He said before taking off his shoes and entering where you were standing at.

You went up to your beloved and when he dropped his bag you took off his coat for him and hung it, with a gentle smile you asked him. "Why don't rinse yourself off in the shower a bit? I'll start a warm bath for you it's been a long day." You suggested. He smiled brightly, his smile reached his eyes.

"Sure! Only if you join me though." He blurted out confidently. "WHAT!?" You yelled, you weren't expecting this...Sure it doesn't bad but it still made your face turn a tiny tint red.

Yū crossed his arms and teasingly pouted. "As I said, I'll only shower and go in a bath if you join me in the bath! It's not like it's haram." He told you.  He was right it wasn't Haram it was a Sunnah to bathe with your wife but it would still feel a tiny bit weird. You sighed and went over to a cabinet nearby where you stored all your towels.

right as you reached out for a towel and were about to turn around to give it to him, you suddenly felt his head on your shoulder with arms wrapped around you. 

"Are you nervous? Don't be! You're the most beautiful and loving person I've ever met! I Thank Allah every day with each moment I spend with you. Also...it's not the first time I've seen-" Before he could finish that last sentence, you smacked the towel on his face and pulled him away from you.

"Go rinse yourself off first and I'll think about it!" You exclaimed cheeks now burning. Yū laughed a bit before going away to wash himself up a bit, meanwhile, you made your way to start up a warm comfortable bath.

After a while, you heard a door behind you open and when you turned around you saw you're beloved all washed up with a towel wrapped around him. He looked at the bath you had prepared and childishly jumped in it splashing a bit of water on you in the process. 

"Aah, this is nice. You know you're too good to me (Name)." He sighed out relaxed and felt as though he could just sleep in it. You smiled pleased with your work. "I'm glad you enjoy it, plus you're also good to me so it's fair." You simply replied.

Suddenly Yū looked a bit disappointed. You looked at him silently asking him what was wrong. "It's such a shame you're missing out on this" He let out a sound of disappointment. You could only smile at him before trying to find the shampoo Yū usually uses for his hair.

You found it but just before you could start pampering his hair he stopped you. "Nope! Not letting you wash my hair until you get in here with me. Also, I want to wash your hair for you too." He said stubbornly. "Fine" You sighed in defeat and started taking your clothes off and moved to sit in the bathtub with Yū.

He grinned. "Now that's more like it! Here let me wash your hair first." He exclaimed and pulled out a shampoo bottle that you usually used. You turned your back against him and let him wash your hair. 

After you two were done in the bath you both had dried up put on some comfortable clothes and prepared for the night.

After you dusted the bed and rolled onto it waiting for Yū to come. You saw him making his way towards you.

"You prayed Isha yet?" He asked. You nodded your head "Umm Yū? If you don't mind me asking I would like to make a request." You asked him. You just saw his soft smile as he flopped down the bed.

"Sure ask." He said. "Could you recite Surah Mulk out loud? I love it whenever you recite you have such a beautiful voice MashAllah." Yū stood up out of bed. "It would be an honor!" He exclaimed before finding the Quran you had gifted him back in high school before he converted.

He sat on the bed laying a pillow on his lap with the Quran on top of it and started reciting. This was a very enjoyable day spent with your loved one indeed.


Al-Bukhari reported in his Sahih (no. 250) that 'Aishah said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and I used to bathe from one vessel.

Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrates that "whoever recites Surah al-Mulk every night, Allah will prevent the punishment of grave by this Surah". According to another tradition, when a person reads Surah Al-Mulk before sleeping, an angel comes down to protect him because he is not able to protect himself due to sleep.

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